Have you tried flash flash revolution?
Nah, what is that like?!? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ill give you the url to the ffr site, you have to register to play but it dosn't cost anything
great fun...
Sounds like a plan. I'll look into it. :mrgreen:
it's pretty fun and best of all free. My kind of game. :mrgreen:
I think that's everybody's kind of game. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
yeah...*sigh* if only there were more of that kind...
Currently, watching Legend of Galactic Heroes DVD set. My favorite series, although I hate what they did to the animation to make the DVDs.
How is the subs? :mrgreen:
No subs. It's the ginei set. I am borrowing it from a friend who bought the set (a mere 231,000 yen). I have watched the OVAs so far and am starting in on the series itself (52 episodes down 110 to go)

Quote:Originally posted by "pchmura"
No subs. It's the ginei set. I am borrowing it from a friend who bought the set (a mere 231,000 yen). I have watched the OVAs so far and am starting in on the series itself (52 episodes down 110 to go) 
Wow. Isn't one yen equal to a penny. So he spent like $2000 on the set. Also, do you know Japanese or are you going to wing it? I knew no Japanese and still enjoyed the last episode of GTO. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Definitely not a series to try to wing it. I saw it the first time when the movie came out and I had tried to wing it. Barely understood a bit of the interesting parts of the story. Now I know enough to understand what's going on.
Yep. The series costs around $2000 for the set. And we americans complain about pricing

Actually, I thought about buying a set, but I hear it may be coming to the US soon form ginei so I decided to wait. That and on my budget it would cost me over a years worth of "fun money".
hehe, agreed. Well enjoy your set. I wonder when it's going to come to America. Makes me wonder. Well I have a snow day today, so without further adeu, I'm doing to watch so much Rayearth and even the little known OAV The Humanoid. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The poor japanese people get raped on dvd prices. So I really can't complain about the price of R1's.
I was called to sub today and couldn't go in because of a doctors oppointment.




weatdrop: Damn. :x :x :x
I finished episode 35 of Rayearth. I can't wait to start Macross when I buy it. :mrgreen: