I was looking at the R1's but oh well. :wink:
The R1's for what? Tsukikage Ran? I saw the 1st 2 discs of the R1's. I mean that series is 100 times better than trouble chocolate. It basically follows this badass female samurai who goes around drinking saki everywhere and this martial artist girl that's really dumb and won't shut up. Every episode they basically beat up a dumb bunch of thugs in different cities/situations and make alot of lame jokes. But the jokes are so lame that they're actually funny. And that's why I keep renting the next volume. Definitely recommended over Trouble Chocolate!!!
Nice. Then maybe I'll spend $100 and buy them at Best Buy. :mrgreen:
I just bought Fushigi Yugi Suzaku R1 set off of Ebay for like $100. Can't wait to receive it.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
I haven't seen the OAV yet. :x
Its not quite as good as it could have been and doesnt match up to the series but it is still worth your money if you like irresponsible captain tylor.
I'll definitely check it out. Woohoo, this hit 500 posts. :mrgreen:
501. This is one long topic, and it actually for the most part stayed on topic.
Currently I'm trying to finish Heat Guy J. :mrgreen:
They just changed it's format. Now it's 1 DVD for the first 8 episodes. Same with the next 8 episodes. How is the how treating you? :mrgreen:
How is the who treating me? :?
That pissed me off right when I bought the first two disks of Heat Guy that other one came out. Same with Naruto.

Started the 1st tv series of Lupin, good stuff, I like the intro theme, lupin the third, lupin the third, lupin, lupin, lupin, lupint he third.
yeah, this thread does have a lot of posts, most likely because people keep on posting again and again for every series they begin to watch.
I love it. My brother hates that song, but it's so catchy. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
its way to catchy, i was singing it on the bus the other day, people thought i was crazy
I sing it nearly everyday. It's so simple. :mrgreen:
I like the song, but hate the series. I made the mistake of preordering it before I saw it on adult Swim. I love his movies though. I wish they'd stop makin' him seem like such a wimp in the TV series.