nice, one piece AHOY!!! I am jitterly waiting for my complete box. :mrgreen:
You will Love cheat cloth and the gang!
nice, I cant wait, then I am getting Gundam X from sideswipe and I have a 2 hour delay for school this morning meaning I get to surf the net. :mrgreen: and I know that was off topic but I just wanted to show my happiness since I also just finished my reasearch paper that has been keeping me away from anime most of this week. :mrgreen:
AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that was a girly scream). Mazinkaiser complete boxset is coming out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raxephon is out too! The first two sets anyways. I don't know if that is all of it but it's out! :twisted:
I finally started watching Crest of the Stars. It's a great story. I didn't think I'd like it, but once I started, I couldn't stop. I'm definitely going to have to pick up the rest of the series later this week.
I thought the art work was terrible in that. But it has a good story huh? What's it about? I only looked at the boxes. :?
That's why I put it off for so long. I thought the artwork looked kinda whack too. But since everyone kept saying how great it was, I checked it out. The story's kinda difficult to explain, especially since I've only seen 4 episodes so far, but it's got me hooked. It's about a different race called the Abh (they look like elves with blue hair) going around taking over planets and space. But it turns out that they're the good guys and only conquer these planets so they don't fight with one another and stuff. It basically follows around this one kid who was on a planet they took over and now he is being groomed to be Abh royalty. Sounds whack, but it really is very good storytelling.
I'm currently watching still finishing up Excel Saga, and Najica. I'm trying to finish them soon so I can watch One Piece and Hikaru no Go when it comes in. 8O 8O
Just finished Saikano. An amazing love story.
Probably will restart on One Piece.
AHH! that just reninded me of my lust for one piece, well anyway on topic I am planing an animerithon this weekend, I have had a bunch of unwatched anime pilling up and I plan to watch it all this weekend. :mrgreen:
Speaking of an amazing love story, I just finished the 1st disc of Ai Yori Aoshi. It starts out pretty good, but then the last episode turns into a complete fan service marathon. I've heard that the rest of the series is basically like that until the last 3 or 4 episodes where it gets back to the main plot of the story. Worth checking out, but not worth buying in my opinion.
Yeah, the middle episodes of Ai Yori Aoshi become like a harem Love Hina type show with lots of fanserivce. I'm at ep 17 now(this episode has an insane amount of fanservice) but since episode 13-14 the show focused more on Kaoru and Aois relationship. I think there will be a couple of filler episodes then it will end with the Kaoru and Aoi love story.
Its a pretty good show so far.
Just ordered Macross, should be here by Monday or Tuesday. is one of my new favorite stores

nice, dont know much about itm but at least it has fast shipping. :mrgreen: