Good for you Optimistic! Finally you watch! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I just finished another episode of Hikaru no Go that puts me on episode 30. I think that I will never be able to stop.


Shibo that is a wonderful Idea! I really hope Steve comes to top this one off! That would be excellent! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
yeah, watched some more one piece, I am just surfin the net a little after dinner. Finally the team is assembled, and the episodes are just getting better as the story progresses. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Just finished a little more Hikaru no Go. I'm off the first set now on to the next set!
What is the episode number you are on Optimistic? :?
just finished episode 22, I am now taking a break, and afterwards I will probably smuggle a ton of snacks up to my room and watch until dawn. :mrgreen: I love student teacher conference days :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Watched, yet more Hikaru no Go. This show is as bad as One Piece. Now I have another addiction to contend with. Not that I'm complaining as long as the episodes keep rolling in I will be happy!
Your just starting to get to some of the good parts Optimistic. Finally another One Piece fan.

yes, well how can I help not to be

, was going to watch more, but like I said I was sick yesterday so I just fell asleep, and its my moms birthday today, so I have to go out to dinner, but hopefully I will be able to get threw 15 episodes or so today. :mrgreen:
I watched 3 episodes of Arjuna yesterday. I'll give it credit for attemtimg to tackle environmental issues, but it's not for me. It reminded me too much of Captain Planet except without the Planeteers.
I'm on episode 35 of Hikaru no Go. Like that is a surprise!
I hated Arjuna with a passion! It was terrible!

I watched the entire Visions of Escaflowne series over the weekend (and posted my first ever review).
I'm gonna start watching Trigun and Hellsing this weekend (if I can find the time).
just finished episode 32 of One piece in two days :mrgreen: I am devoting my entire 4 day weekend to watching all of my one piece. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I actually had to work yesterday, that sucked. My car is still buried. =P I'm borrowing a grand cherokee now so I can get back and forth to work. Anyway, I managed to get Haunted Junction started and finished over the past couple of days. the AS version is a perfect R1 rip. It's a fun series. Nothing too seep, but quite amusing. I'm on the last disc of Nadesico now as well, I plan to finish it up either tonight or tomorrow and then start on Trigun. I'll probably start Tenchi Universe at some point this weekend as well. =)
tomorow is my birthday, and oh what a party it will be :mrgreen: I am going to bring tons of snacks up to my room, set up my new dvd player and watch anime all day long, from about 8 in the morning to..... well.... 8 in the morning I suppose :mrgreen:
now that your weather let down the weather in my area is horrible, this is the first time I heard thunder and with it my house shook, ... is that a bad thing?

Well, I just finished about five more episodes of Hikaru no Go! I am going to be so depressed when I don't have anymore of it to watch!
Hopefully your car will melt out soon? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
City Hunter '91. My favorite season. The episode called One Night Cinderella is the best of the series. Thankfully all of season 3 and '91 are there.
So for the entire HK set, 2 episodes are missing from season 1 and 3 from season 2. None from the seasons that IMHO are the best are missing. Yeah.
just finished episode 44 of one piece, gonna try to finish the rest of the fith disc today, so that I can write a review. :mrgreen: