Kimagure Orange Road TV 48 / 48 (complete) Yippe Skippy
Gundam Wing 28 / 49
Kishin Corps 1 / 7
Sailor Moon 10 / 200
My Kodomo No Omocha fan subs were shipped today (1 - 40). I've got them and I'll watch them.[/siz]
Well i try to stick to one series at a time :wink:
But at the moment im up to episode 15 in Escaflowne ........ wonderfull series!
Agreed. I usually only watch one series at a time. However I 've been watching Gundam Wing for a while and I ordered the KOR Set. I couldn't just have the set sit there. I buy lots of used anime videos real cheap. Kishin Corps set cost me $12.95 DUB. I have it sitting there so I figured I'd watch it.
I usually have one series I watch with my wife and one on my own.
My wife and I are currently on episode 10 of Fruits Basket.
I'm up to episode 12 of Berserk.
Usually I wait until finishing a series before starting another but I've got Vol 1 of the Lupin III TV series on the way. That will take first priority as soon as I get it.
Currently, I borrowed Berserk from one of my friends. Kick ass series so far
I can't wait till my HK DVD order comes in.
Okay, nobody will believe this, but I bought the Ranma 1/2 first season box set the DAY it came out, and I'm only on episode nine. @_@ It's one of my favorite anime, but I just haven't been watching it. @_@ I'm also trying to watch the Kenshin OAV EVERY DAY this week. (Do NOT ask.)
Zeta Gundam
CardCaptors Sakura
Macross 7 (I was checking them out from our anime library but just bought vol 1 on dvd today)
Ranma 1/2 (first season)
and Fushigi Yugi (Seiryuu)
Anime Library?
SomebodyKillMe - Ranma 1/2 Season 1 is one of my all time favorites. Right now you're on the Ryoga story arc. That's where I started out on. Wait till you get to about episode 16. Some of the best anime has to offer.
OK, Just finished I My Me Strawberry Eggs this morning. Very cute series. =) I'm on DVD#11 of the KOR box set.. Still on DVD #1 of the first Fushigi Yugi box set from AC/MI..In the middle of Card Captor Sakura but that's my fave so I watch maybe 1 or 2 episodes a week to make it last.. think I'm on DVD #3 of the AC/MI..Just finished first Kenshin TV box set, also from AC/MI.. (sense a trend here?) Will start box set #2 soon. Oh! And I just bought the Di Gi Charat set! (Sorry Joe, I couldn't wait!) So I just finished DVD #1 of that set as well. Everyone buy Di Gi Charat. So weird and kawaii! And yeah I'm on DVD #1 of the FX cowboy bebop perfect collection, and I'm constantly rewatching black heaven. So, erm.. yeah.. Gonna go watch the rest of Di Gi Charat now. ^_^
I am in the middle of the KOR Disc 6. It's such a great series. I love episode 22. I might be rewatching that one non-stop (not as bad though as the infamous 16 watches of Maison Ikkoku Vol. 1, ok so I have a problem). Finished Gundam Wing Vol. 9 VHS. 2 Recap episodes

Ah well it was a good review. I hadn't seen the series for awhile. :wink:
I just rewatched I My Me! Strawberry Eggs this morning! Jesus, I love that show! ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by "SomebodyKillMe"
I just rewatched I My Me! Strawberry Eggs this morning! Jesus, I love that show! ^_^
The entire thing?!?
Umm... Yeah. @_@ I started the other day, though. @_@
Damn, I can't wait until I get it.