I couldn't agree more. I'm on volume ten of the manga now, and I don't want to stop. Ever.

Quote:Originally posted by "vicious"
Just got my Maison Ikkoku set in today. Aaahhhh!!!! So much anime, so little time. I still have to finish watching Ranma season 4, Love Hina, and now Maison Ikkoku. And then tommorrows 2 for 1 day at the video store.
Yes, I know how you feel, overwelmed but joyful at the same time.
I also tryed watching Lain last night. Definitely not my type of anime. I can't stand overly serious stuff like that. Guess I won't be finishing that series.
Yeah, I personally like a variety of anime and loved the lain series, but I can see how it would not appeal to some.
People said it really didn't make too much sense. That scared me off faster, than people in a Scooby Doo episode. :mrgreen:
It made sense just very little, but it wasn't suppose to it was just meant to be mysterious and such.
Hey Steve, I've always wondered, what's "Piyo Piyo" translate to? And since you like romantic comedy type stuff, check out DNA2.
yeah, DNA2 is really good, I downloaded the first episode and would really like to pick up the HK set some time.
Piyo Piyo is the sound a baby chick makes in japanese.

Damn you beat me to it. It's an Onamapetia. Bad spelling. :mrgreen:
I'm watching Captain Tylor at the moment, and l have to say its great, I thought it was going to be kinda rubbish since the start was pretty slow, but its dumb and fun.
I'm re-watching Boogiepop as well, class
yeah, captain tylor is great, I loved the beggining and it just got better as it went along, thats the kind of anime for me/ :mrgreen:
I haven't seen the OAV yet. :x
I just rented the 1st tape for Captain Tylor. I'll have to watch that tonight. Also saw Tsukikage Ran. It's a good way to waste your time. Not horrible, but also not anything I would go out of my way to go and get.