I'm not a big hentai fan so I wouldn't spend the money on it. I'd rather have live action porn but that's just me. Damn, I'm still pissed about Karte.
Check out my review for Injuh Nerwareta Idol. Damn I wrote an essay on it. I'm rather pleased.

Currently on episode 18 of Blue Seed. Great series at a great value. Gonna watch Bebop after. ^_^ So much anime to see!!!!
I'll be watching Tenchi Muyo OAV R1 when I buy it.
Want to see the last 4 episodes of Blue Seed tonight.
I just finished up Argent Soma. Now i started watching my Boxset of Lain that i just picked up.. and also finishing up KOR set that i got.. hehe my g/f actually really likes KOR.. ;o) which is a good thing.. though she isn't liking Lain that much.. o well. .
I'm hoping to watch the rest of Only Yesterday tonight.. That's one of the lesser known Ghibli releases included in the collection.. It seems pretty good so far. Maybe I'll try and watch a few eps of Kenshin or Card Captor Sakura after that, we'll see. =)
Sweet! As of January I'll be watching CCS. I didn't really ever come across any big female fans. A lot of my friends who are girls think I'm an absolute weirdo because I'm an otaku. Actually only one of my friends really likes Ayumi Hamasaki. I told her to download it, and sure enough she's a fan now. If only she could see anime.

Just finished Blue Seed. Now after watching it, it won't change my top ten favorite anime though it was still really good. Pick up the series on the new Perfect Collection. It's very affordable and contains the entire 26 episode series. I think I watched the set in about ten days or so!!!!
All right. I finished the first three episodes of Cowboy Bebop. I've already seen the first two episodes but I had to re-watch them. Man the show rocks. Tons of fun.

Finished episode 6 of Bebop last night. Would have watched more if I didn't have to go to work. Is it just me, or am I the only one to post here?
Finished Episode 5 of "I My Me Strawberry Eggs" last night. Probably gonna watch 2 - 4 episodes tonight.
I also ordered Tenchi Universe from here, so I should have it Monday, and Ill start watching it after I finish "I My Me.."
You're not the only one who posts, Steve. You're just a little more obsessive.

Hmm, this weekend involved me working another saturday. That sucked. Watched disc 10 of Kenshin, and just finished watching Porco Rosso, which was pretty good. I'm kinda tired, so I think that's about it for anime watching for me tonight. Gonna read some of my Miyazaki book for a bit, then sleep. Tomorrow I hope to start and finish disc 11 of Kenshin, and if I'm really feeling ambitious I may watch Pon Poko from the Ghibli set.. That's the one with real bad timing issues, I hear. Oh well. It looks fun anyway.

Ordered Boogiepop Phantom today, yay!
hopefully i'll be watching one of the following soon:
zz gundam
0079 series
eva series and movies
non anime that i have, and still need to watch:
usual suspects
our man flint
logan's run
Well continuing to watch Cowboy Bebop. However I find Ed to be extremely annoying. That's just me though.

now started to watch Vision of Escaflowne again.. Mixing between that and KOR and just watched R1 release of Hellsing pretty interesting series so far i can't wait for the other R1's to be released..