Berserk's ending sucked. No spoilers from me, but the series just ends in the middle of the manga.. Picture a show ending with a major cliffhanger, but there's no next season to clear things up.. The situation resolves itself in the manga apparently, but having no interest in reading manga right now with all the anime I still have sitting here unwatched, that's about all I can tell ya. People have told me how the situation resolves itself but it sure would have been nice if they woulda waited one more ep and then ended the series, heh. Anyway, I Watched the first 7 eps of Ayashi No Ceres last night. It's refresing to watch some good shoujo after all of the shonen stuff I've been watching lately. It seems like it's gonna be a cool series. I'll finish up disc 1 tonight, I think, then it's on to the final disc of Outlaw Star. =)
Quote:Originally posted by "Vance"
Hey Ox, what was so bad about the ending to Berserk? This is one of the main anime's I'm looking forward to watching (waiting for an FX perfect set ^_^.) But was the ending just sad, depressing, and shocking, or was it just a stupid point to end on that wrapped up nothing?
Kinda know what I mean?
well, it just kind of leaves you in a shitty position that I will not say, you still kind of see what is going to happen though(which I will not mention either), but it is just as shibo said, an unresolved cliffhanger. it leaves you angry, but I would still recomend it, highly, just for gatsu's(main characters name) pure badassedness, and just the whole plot and battle scheme of the show..... you kind of feel cheated at the end but it is so much fun while your watching it that it makes up for it :mrgreen:
My Zeta Gundam set came today

MI one, if it matters. Finished the first disc, and its as good as I remember it (I had unsubbed VHS of it a few years back).
Just ordered Raxephon Complete and Golden Boy too! I have seen almost all of golden boy before but now I will own it all!!! MWAHAHAHAHAA The World is MINE NOW!!!!! Well a couple more dvds from it are anyway. :wink: :roll: :twisted:
nice, I have one more episode to watch on the third disc of maison ikkoku and then I am going to start the forth. pretty good from what I have witnessed. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yeah, I'm through the first boxset of MI now. I'll be starting on the 6th disc soon. I like taking my time with my anime and watch only like 2 episodes of various series a night. While my friend on the other hand watched 18 episodes of my stuff last night.
Yaaaayyyyyyy!!!!! I finally got in Fushigi Yugi Seiryu in, so I can finish watching that series. Now I only need to get enough money for the OVA's.
It's been a slow anime watching week here. I did finishe disc 1 of FX Ayashi No Ceres and I've watched 3 eps of Raname 1/2 season 4. Only 5 more eps and I'm done with that box set. Seems like I've been watching it forever!Man, 11 discs and 4 seasons and there's still 3 more seasons, the OVA's, and the movies to watch. Hehe. I'm gonna take a little break from Ranma for a while after this set and wait for that FX season 5 rip, I think. I should finish Ranma this week, I think. I have the final disc of MAC Outlaw Star to watch as well. I also have 3 orders coming in the mail, hehe. Got Generator Gawl from rightstuff, all the Tekkaman stuff from this fine website here, and Votoms from rightstuf.. Erm, I mean 4 things. Got Saber Marionette J FX coming from cookiejar as well.. Man, my skyscrapers are about to reach ridiculous levels, heh. =P
Shibo, you'll have to tell me if Saber Marionette J is worth the $40 or not after you're done with it.
I am moltly threw disc four of maison ikkoku and am looking forward to watching more later today :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Man, do you have any idea how long it's gonna be before I get to SMJ? Hav eyou *seen* my skyscrapers?

I'm still working on stuff I ordered in october heh.
Finished Fruit Basket and Generator Gawl.
Like Kare Kono, Fruit Basket anime was made before the manga finished. Yet, unlike Kare Kano, it has a satisfiable (atleast to me) ending. Fruit Basket does live up to its hype.
Generator Gawl is good. Great plot despite the story idea is not original. May be I'm simple minded or the English sub has deceived me, I was kept in suspense til the very last episode :lol: . This is a good title which I also endorse

I watched another couple episodes of Hikaru no Go and one of them was a recap episode. :evil: :evil: I will probably finish the last set this week. It has been on my mind too much lately. :mrgreen:
Not too much going on in Shiboland. I watched ep 19 and 20 of Outlaw Star, so I'm getting halfway close to the end. Hopefully I can finish it this weekend. I'd like to get through it before I go to the con next week. I work every day before I fly out but sunday, and my mother in law is gonna be in town from sunday till I leave, so I suppose we'll see how that works out.
Am going to order all of Kenshin next week!

ALL OF IT!!!! :twisted:
Am thinking of getting Lain and Onegai Teacher as well! :wink:
Quote:Originally posted by "Shibo"
Man, do you have any idea how long it's gonna be before I get to SMJ? Hav eyou *seen* my skyscrapers?
I'm still working on stuff I ordered in october heh.
Bump SMJ up on your priority list. :roll: I need to know whether I should buy it or not. Actually, I can wait a little while, because I have stuff I need to finish up too.