yeah, I know that if I begin to gambler I will be addicted, my statement is that if you really hate a person, hope that he goes to vegas and wins big. because then he most likely will be addicted. but oh well everyone I know is in about the same financial slump as I am, so it would be no use.
My go board is a full size foldable one!
I will get a Kaya board! I just finished that part of the manga! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I got a friend of mine (not asian) who goes and throws down at blackjack all the time. He'll play like $2500 per hand and then split and doubledown adn be up to like $1000 per hand. Anyways, this last time he went to Vegas, he won $117,000.00. Did I mention he gets free shopping sprees from the casinos as well. Last time they gave him $2500 to spend at FAO Schwarz.
Anyways, we better get back on track, since this isn't "general Babble".
yeah, but this is like the general bable of the anime disscussion, it eventually goes back on track because somewhat says what they are watching. :mrgreen:
ps. what kind of job do you have that gives you enough money to gamble like that???
You guys play some high stakes games. Way too rich for my blood. :mrgreen:
I don't have a great job. We start with a $40 buy in and you can cash back in in $20 increments. I usually only bring like $40 0r $60 to begin with. If I win, that's more anime money, and if I don't, I still got plenty of catching up to do on the stuff I already own. I never play with my crackhead friend in the Casinos if that's what you're thinking.
That is good to hear. So then your decent at it at least. Or the people you play with are no good.

yeah thats the best way to play, you dont have to become good you just have to seak out people who are bad. :mrgreen:
It's a combination of both. I'm good enough to hang at the tables at casinos. So I'm better than all of my friends, but some of them are really bad and don't know when to stop. I'm only good at 7 card stud though. I know the rules for the other ones, but don't have much practice at them.
yeah, I just wouldnt play with someone who has a history of winning a lot. :mrgreen:
I prefer five card my self.

yeah, I like 5 card too, although I am not particulary good at any type. :mrgreen:
I just watched the first R1 disc for Noir last night. I can't recommend it enough. The storyline was pretty interesting so far, animation is OK, but the backgrounds are just stunning. Beautiful backgrounds. It has pretty good music throughout as well. Also 1 of the few anime I've seen that's presented in a widescreen format. I might have to purchase the R1 for this, because it will definitely lose some of its picture quality as an HK. I might wait though, because it seems like it could turn into psycho babble BS later on in the series if that's how the writers wanted to go.
Currently I am finishing up Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure, and rewatching .hack. Yesterday I watched the first two episodes of X tv, and have to say I can't wait to see some more.

I need to finish my .hack, I have had it but I have never finished watching it, I just kinda forgot about it, heheh :mrgreen: