64 episodes that are out HK. I'm in the late 40's. I just have'nt been able to give it my full attention do to other things going on.

I've got up to episode 67 of Hikaru no Go, I think they're up to episode 75 in Japan
nice(or ist it?) I have another long series to collect! :mrgreen:
Just got back from watching Spirited Away at the theatre. I really do wish parents wouldn't bring little brats that can't shut up to movies like that.
yeah, I would like to go, but not with my family, possibly just a few people who are kind of like anime, and yeah, I hate watching things with little kids, they point out things and talk about what they have discovered and yell out when something is funny the whole time, luckly I only have to withstand that every other week when I babysit :mrgreen:
I won't see it in the theater until I have gotten a chance to watch it in japanese. That will be this week sometime, but I really can't stand the voices Disney chooses for anime. The only one I kind of liked was Phil Hartman.
I looked at the credits, and the only really famous name on there was Lauren Holly. I just finished watching Crying Freeman. Pretty good story even though the animation itself is outdated.
yeah, I want to buy spirited away R1, that is if it has the japanese track along with the english. and I also here that it will have a lot of extras like interviews and stuff wich should be pretty cool.
I watched disc 4 (1st disc in the 2nd boxset) for You're Under Arrest.
I just barely finished Love Hina (I still have the specials and the OVA to watch though.) Man, what a great series. Makes me feel good whenever I think about it. Gripping and fun the whole way through. Heh, it's so entertaining to see a good romance that men can easily get into.
l don't understand why some people hate Love hina, its great l reckon, so funny and sweet...
The Love Hina Spring Special is great! One of the best pieces I've seen. :mrgreen: I find the show kind of lack luster, just because I read the manga first. Which is amazing. You guys should read it! :mrgreen:
ah, love hina, one of those series that I have to get one of these days :mrgreen:
if I could only decied to get the anime or the manga first...
Love Hina Again is a bit of a letdown, it's still good but can't compare to the TV series and specials.
The manga is the best though
Your so right Matthew, your so right.