Welp, I watched what I said I would this weekend, go me.

Man, the timing issues on Pon Poko were extremely exaggerated.. The movie was fine, perfectly understandable, and lots better that I thought it would be. I've seen 3/4 of the Ghibli collection now, folks, and I can't recommend it highly enough. There's a reason why Hiyao Miyazaki is so revered in Japan. This is a must own set. Hmm, what's on tap for this coming week? Welp, I'm going home from wed-sun, back to Massachusetts to see the folks, so there won't be much anime watching this weekend.. I'd like to finish disc 12 of Kenshin and wrap up the TV series. If I can do that, it'll be a successful week. Oh, one more thing for you US people. Rememeber, Excel Saga R1 DVD #2 comes out on tuesday! Buy it! =)
Heh Heh, I haven't seen volume 1. Maybe I'll watch it after Cowboy Bebop. Finished episode 13 last night. I checked out the Samurai Girl Review, man that sucks. I really wanted to get the set because I liked the cover and Real Bout High School sounded like fun. I won't spend $21 on that. Why did AV have to give up on that one release.
Whew! I finally finished Kenshin TV last night. Great series.. Loooong series damn, lol. I really enjoyed it but it sure will be nice to start something else. =) I'm off to Massachusetts till sunday so no more anime for me this week, oh well. =P When I get back I'm gonna start the big Fushigi Yugi OVA set, Oni or whatever it's called, the one that's actually out in the US. Gotta finish up the last few Ghibli films too. Whisper of the Heart is the one I'm watching next.. I hear it's supposed to be phenomenal. The guy who directed it was a young director who was supposed to replace Miyazaki as Studio Ghibli's star director, but he died tragically of an aneurysm, I wanna say he was like 24 or so when he died.. Miyazaki was gonna retire after Mononoke but then he didn't think the studio would make it, so he started work on Spirited Away, dunno what he plans on doing about retirement now since he's big into having a successor..Anyway, I gotta leave in 1/2 hour to catch my plane so I'm outta here. Take care folks and watch some good anime for me.

have fun on your trip and if terrorist hijack your plane, kick some major ass like Kenshin would in your place heh.
Nice. Shibo knows his Miyazaki stuff. ^_^ Well that's always good. He's in Massachusetts, well I could pass him on the streets and not even know it. Heh heh :mrgreen:
Yo, greetings for Massachusetts.

Yeah I didn't have to kick any ass on the plane. I did get the folks to stop by best buy on the way home, needed to pick up Excel Saga volume 2 so I have some anime to watch here, hehe. Just wanted to check in, hehe. Later folks. =)
Ah...anime party was fun. Only 2 days long instead of 3. Not as many peeps showed up but there was enough. We watched Berserk all night and Kenshin in the morning (Not to mention Spaceballs XD). Good times 8) no...sleep...30...hours...meh...
Sounds like fun. How many hours did you end up sleeping afterwards?
Lol. In the morning I played Neverwinter Nights til 1:30 then I slept for like 3hrs.
That reminds me of my fun youth. Now I'm swamped with more work then ever.
*peer* Just stopped by to say hi, home from MA now.. Watched Excel Saga Disc 2, which was hilarious.. Also bought Kimagure Orange Road movie on R1 while I was out in MA.. Hopefully will have time to watch Whisper of the Heart tonight before I have to head back out to Michigan tomorrow, gone till fri.. Bleh, no computer to check in on the forums, and no DVD player to watch anime in my hotel in Michigan. =P Ah well, big order from JJ on saturday, that should keep me going till then hehe. Gonna pick up Angelic Layer, Lain, Rayearth..and maybe some other goodies too hehe.
The Miyazaki Collection was the first set I bought and I love the whole thing. You have to remember, I'm the guys whose wife has the Totoro tattoo on her thigh. We can't get enough of Miyazaki's (and associates) work. From the early stuff on Conan: Boy of the Future and Lupin the III to the more recent Princess Mononoke (we named our cat Hime), and Pon Pocco, we've enjoyed it all.
I still have to get Sherlock Hound (or whatever it's called) to fill in spaces for his old stuff.
I'm itching to watch Spirited Away but I promised to wait till my wife gets home in a few days. It's sitting there on the shelf asking me to watch it but I'm stronger than that. Fortunately, I have lots of other goodies to watch this weekend (while I'm laying sick on the couch and not typing on the computer).
This weekend I've watched Hellsing, Ex-Driver, Iria, Bubblegum Crisis, Weib Kraus the OVA, and now I'm halfway into Angelic Layer.
Next on tap is The Hakkenden - The Dog Warriors. I've been told that is a pretty good story and am looking forward to it (especially after watching 12 hours of CLAMPs saccharine animation).
Oh yeah, I watched The Accidental Spy starring Jackie Chan last night. I'm so happy that you can watch his movies with subs now. Although the dubs do bring back fond memories of classic Sunday afternoon kung fu shows.
Please note Hakkaden has some beastiality.... some chick get pregnant by a dog hehe
I saw Hakkenden. It wasn't bad. There wasn't any graphic sex in it. Though the series is kinda weird. You have to pay attention or you won't get it at all. I'm still a little foggy on some points. By the way I finished Cowboy Bebop this weekend. It totally rocked. Going to start Strawberry Eggs tonight.