nice just checked out the screenshots to agent aika :mrgreen:
almost finished with azumanga daioh(taking.... so.... long)
would you look at that! 900th post on this thread :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Watching (FX) Love Hina TV now. Have finished the first of the 2 dvds. I think it's an overated title. Opening theme is annoying. Excessive fanservice. Significant ecchi. Girls constant abusing Kentaro and Kentaro insisting goto "Tokyo Dai" are getting annoying. I'm glad I got a HK dvd instead of a R1. Nonetheless, I'm very satisfied with this FX release for video/audio/subtitle 8)
Ouch neo. Speared me through the heart. I love Love Hina ^_^ Bummer. Ah well, too each his own I spose.
Vance, we are different person. You should not pay too much attention to my statement. I am perhaps harder to be humored by stereotype gender jokes :oops:
Love Hina was entertaining, but nothing special IMO. It's something that'll be forgotten over time.
I watched Area 88 last night. That was a pretty awesome story. And animation wasn't that bad either for something that's 20 years old. You guys should all get it. It's 1 disc, and the HK costs like $10. Definitely worth the 10 bucks I spent on mine. And it doesn't have a corny or predictable ending like most anime.
Hey, does anyone know anything about when Witch Hunter Robin will get an R1 release? Or if it will?
The fanservice in Love Hina TV is very light when compared to the manga, and yes I too love Love Hina
Love Hina is not going to be forgotten any time soon.. Look around the dealer room in a con and you'll see what I mean. It's not going anywhere and I wouldn't even be surprised if more anime came out at some point since it's been a huge runaway success here in the US.
Oh yeah, what anime am I watching?

Welp, I just finished up Tenchi Universe and Sakura Diaries.. Both were fun. =) Now I'm only in the middle of Ranma Season 4, (which I am perpetually watching, very very slowly..) and Outlaw Star. I'm on the second disc of outlaw star and I'm really enjoying it. I assume I'll finish disc 2 sometime this weekend.. Maybe I'll even start Ayashi No Ceres this weekend too. Yay!
Good for you Shibo! Finally putting a dent in that collection!
So far Vance I haven't seen anything about Witch Hunter Robin making it here. Keep in mind it is still fairly new. Someone will pick it up.
What am I watching? Currently still watching Hikaru no Go, and I'm going through and watching One Piece. I don't think I will ever grow tired of these shows! Both are excellent! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Shibo"
Love Hina is not going to be forgotten any time soon.. Look around the dealer room in a con and you'll see what I mean. It's not going anywhere and I wouldn't even be surprised if more anime came out at some point since it's been a huge runaway success here in the US.
For the immediate future, yes. But I don't think it will stand the test of time like Maison Ikkoku or Bubblegum Crisis or Castle of Cogliostro or Akira have. You can tell that stuff like Bebop or Berserk will be remembered in 10 or 15 or 20 years. But I can't say the same for Love Hina. That's just my opinion though.
yeah, I havnt been able to watch much, my friend brought the first volume of chobits over tonight and I watched that, pretty nice, I have to say it is pretty close to the manga.
I love the Love Hina manga, the show is okay, but I really don't think it is that great. I will remember it forever, but it really isn't as good as it could have been. They changed alot of my favorite parts around!

yeah, another horrible manga to anime was cardbaptors. apparently they killed off one of the main characters right off, not to mention if you get the shitty chopped up edited version.
I have only seen the first five episodes in japanese. That was a long time ago. I would like to get the HK of it though. :mrgreen: