I can't get comfortable while watching anime on a computer. As far as Kodomo No Omocha, it's a great series that always has me wondering what's going to happen next. However to really enjoy it, you have to be a semi-happy person.
Oh yeah, I bought the First Ranma movie on DVD (R1). $30, and I already know the ending (thanks Audio Galaxy message boards).
I'm semi happy right now.. I mean, the Red Sox tied up the game, which is good, but I'm missing adult swim, which pisses me off.. So...semi happy, as Yu Yu Hakusho slowly gets closer to being over.. ~_~
I'm not in the mood to watch the game. They beat the crap out of the Rangers last night. Now if only the intial hit by pitches would stop. If you get SI check out one of the latest issues, with Jason Varitek going ape shit after being attacked. Great Picture.

Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
I can't get comfortable while watching anime on a computer. As far as Kodomo No Omocha, it's a great series that always has me wondering what's going to happen next. However to really enjoy it, you have to be a semi-happy person.
thats why i have a s-video out connected to my tv.. but then again you probably don' have tv, bed, computer all in one small room in a dorm which makes it easier to do that type of stuff.
True. That would be a lot better. How is the quality when you do that?[/siz]
The Quailty is nice.. the tv kinda hides the blockness of the computer media.. hehe so it works out pretty great..
somewhat off topic...
How can Miki think that Miwa and Yuu are a couple? Oh goodness. *laughs* She jumps the gun on everything does she not?
Yeah she does. I think she wants Yuu to be a homosexual. Trust me it won't be the last time.
I had a Kodomo No Omocha binge last night. 7 episodes. Man the series rocks. I finished episode 19.
Wading through Saint Tail and Inu Yasha at the same time currently. (what a combo :roll: ) I like both of them (which is a surprise w/ Inu Yasha considering I dislike Rumiko Takahashi)
I'm happy Inu Yasha is going to be on TV (as said in your other topic), but it'll make me cry to see it cut up

I can only hope for a good dub, also.
Grrrrrr...... How can you hate Rumiko Takahashi?!? She's the ultimate magna writer. You don't like Maison Ikkoku or Ranma 1/2? And what about Urusei Yatsura? I actually thought that the Inu Yasha Manga was a little flat. Well to each his/her own, I guess. But I'm still suprised that anyone could hate Rumiko Takahashi.
I never said I hated her, just disliked her work...I haven't seen enough of MI or UY to grade them properly, but other works i've seen of hers, like Ranma (which I did not find funny), Laughing Target, One Pound Gospel, were not ones I were not very fond of...I haven't read any of the manga yet of hers either, so I can't judge her by that.
Now, an artist that I really like is Yuzo Takada. (Blue Seed! Yeah!

Oh, I forgot, I also just finished watching To Heart. Agree with your other post, I loved it!~
*falls over* I really like One Pound Gospel, it didn't break any boundaries in anime but it made for a good Saturday Night watch. It's also been rewatched many times (my brother who isn't big into anime, really like it. Funny thing is he got me into anime). I found Ranma 1/2 to be hilarious, true it does get repetive, but it's certainly fun.
How far are you into Maison Ikkoku?
I'm glad you really like Blue Seed (because I just bought the Perfect Collection on DVD), hopefully I can't watch it in the next couple of weeks, if my Bebop DVDs or Gundam Wing tapes don't come in.
I only got a couple tapes into Maison Ikkoku...

I had to watch the Viz Dub version which was sliced and diced ala Carl Macek, so I really can't judge the series.
You'll love Blue Seed! Watch it! NOW! :twisted:
(Watch the sub of it, btw. The dub is very....blah)