mine sells used vhs's but since their arnt that many people interested in anime in the area, there used selection is small too. but atleast they have some nice figurines. :mrgreen:
Mine sells a ton of Hentai, I would say more hentai than regular anime, bunch of perverts.
I dont know if that is a good thing or if you should want some more regular anime :mrgreen:
OK guys. Just placed my order for GTO #7, Rahxephon #1 with box, and the Kenshin OVA. I think that's all the new releases I want this month. Luckily I won $160 at poker last night, so I can pay for this stuff.
Monday I am making a huge order. Let's just say it involves one of my current favorites (One Piece!). :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
The first two sets are on my list. They will be mine. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
haha, we wont see you here for a while cause that show will suck you in.
I'm up to episode 50 something of the anime and volume 17 of the manga and they're exactly the same story wise.
I'm currently on volume 13 of the manga. I'm trying to slow down.
On a related note, I bought a GO BOARD!! It is a Hikaru no Go board to be exact. I got it from sasuga! I'll tell you all about it when I get it.

Is it a full size board? damn thats cool, maybe I should buy one made with that super rare wood they talked about in the Go convention part, they're only a couple of grand :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "vicious"
OK guys. Just placed my order for GTO #7, Rahxephon #1 with box, and the Kenshin OVA. I think that's all the new releases I want this month. Luckily I won $160 at poker last night, so I can pay for this stuff.
gambling eh? ..... no... must resist.... :mrgreen:
Yeah, we have poker night like once a week, sometimes twice. When I first got my friends into it and I was living away in my own apartment, they'd be over like every other night. I ended up winning $2000 in this 1 month. Most of it was off this 1 guy, whose really bad. Bought me my Vega, and DVD player and mini system. No offense, but I've noticed that Asians love to gamble. But most of them aren't very good at Poker cuz they always try to bluff and buy pots, rather than playing normally.
Yup, chinese people to gamble, I gamble with my parents sometimes. The casino in my city is filled with chinese people.
Yup, chinese people to gamble, some are good, some suck but we all love to gamble. I gamble with my parents sometimes. The casino in my city is filled with chinese people.