A wonderful show, what can I say. I plan on rewatching it in a little while. In the mean time, thanks for responding to my thread. Nobody else does. I hope I can squeeze a Sailor Moon episode into tonight. :mrgreen:
I would respond to more threads, but they are so long and i don't feel like reading all the backstuff. Anyways, I saw Mahoromatic disc 1 last week and thought it was pretty good. I also saw DNA2 dic 1 and liked that as well. Couldn't really get into Argentosoma though. I also just saw the end of Strawberry Eggs. Loved that series. I'm trying to get through orange Road right now. i end up renting 1 tape a week, since it's one of those shows that you can't really watch in a marathon sitting.
I watched it all in a month. We're talking about the TV series, right? Does your rental store carry a lot of anime? Mine does. Do you like Mecha or is Argento Soma just plain bad? Don't worry about reading the back log. Nobody really cares because most topics go off topic, as does this one from time to time if you can believe it. :mrgreen: This is my brain child so I keep it on topic. :mrgreen:
Yeah, they have a shitload of anime. They have pretty much anything you can think of. Only problem is like 90% of it is on VHS. They've been in business for awhile now I guess. They're trying to move over to DVD's. I can't watch more than an episode of KOR a night. It gets so frustrating, since they move the story line along so slowly. Kyosuke should go ahead and kiss ayukawa already. Only problem with my anime place is they don't carry HK dvd's. There's this new place that I found that does. I saw Azumanga Daioh 2 weeks ago and loved it.
Awesome. I wish Kyosuke would BANG Ayukawa. Or at least I would. If you like KOR than buy the Maison Ikkoku HK set. It's an even better series. :mrgreen:
I already ordered it. I'm just waiting for it to come in. Like I said, your review convinced me. I was renting that a couple tapes at a time too from the anime store over here. The only thing they don't have is Uresei Yatsura, so I haven't watched alot of that. I'm gonna hve to talk to the owner. You've seen the KOR OVA right? He does bang her.
Some of it. I know he gets places but shhhhhhhh :wink:
I'm currently rewatching One Piece, Berserk, and Trigun.

Just Finished Witch Hunter Robin. Great Series, a definite must see if your into dramatic action filled anime. I am also watching Wolf's Rain, it's got a pretty good story and a great sountrack but it's to early in the series for any definitive judgement. And Finally I will start watching Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex this weekend. Plus I'm Still watching Gundam Seed(up to ep 19 and waiting for more to be fansubbed).
Oh yeah I remember you mentioning that. I think that the HK DVDs look really cool. :mrgreen:
I can't wait for an HK Wolf's Rain. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
We won't see that for a while. :mrgreen:
watching gundam wing...got all the R1s :mrgreen:
Just got my Maison Ikkoku set in today. Aaahhhh!!!! So much anime, so little time. I still have to finish watching Ranma season 4, Love Hina, and now Maison Ikkoku. And then tommorrows 2 for 1 day at the video store.
Just finished Mahoromatic, good series but nothing that will change your life. A good time waster.
Been watching alot of Hikaru no Go lately but I'm gonna take it slowly, dont want to end up waiting for Real Fansubbers to release new episodes, the show and manga is just way to addictive