Pictures of ourselves
Quote:Originally posted by Ryoku Slayer
FINALLY! I posted my pic :eek: It is the on the first post. Don't laugh! Sad

Your link doesn't work. It only opens up another Explorer window for IA.
Sorry about that, I fixed it.
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
are you sure, cuz it didn't work when i tried it just now
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Ummmmm I tried the link and it works fine. Hold on Sad
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
I have been having real problems getting this freaking picture to show up on this thread and I think I did it. NOTE: this was taken this year. The background is all nice because this picturee was my 8th grade spring pictures. Now I wear glasses :eek: !!

Here is my picture: If it still doesn't work then copy and paste.
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
no you haven't it just loops back to IA, people will just have to copy and paste the link to a seperate internet explorer window
I have no clue what went wrong. I did everything correctly and stuff. I dunno what went wrong. I guess copy and paste is the best thing to do right now.
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_

About your picture I have only one thing to say: Kawaii! :p

Thanks for the praise. But I don't take praise too well.

So let me post a pic I just took a few hours ago with my camera myself. That other pic was taken when I was in college and would go play basketball or football or something everyday and get my exercise in. I've put on like 10-15 lbs. since then and it seems like it all went to my cheeks. I just started doing cardio and stuff again to lose the weight. Here's what I look like now. Not as flattering is it? Sad

And Animeshop, after seeing the new pic, you're allowed to take back your invite. Wink
aack! A close up!
Frank Beech once said that, "The harssest judge, is one's own self" I pharphrased, but you get the point. Vicious it is cool to go up and down the weight scale. Hell if it wasn't for Iraq, it would be a lot harded to get my exercising in. Sometime they call this place Club Med. I can't tell you why due to some issues, but we have time to workout.

kakomu - you kill me damn it. Your pics always seem to suggest there was something funny that happened when that picture was taken. It was in a McDee's right.

Animeshop - Your BF has an impessive collection. I think only Schultz, Shibo, and JJ have a bigger one that I have seen.

Since Andromeda18_ mentioned it earlier I was wondering. How many of you collect figurines. That is to include Busts and Statues of anime series. I got some for Schultz B-day and X-mas and one I rebought because his was so damn cool. Just kind of intrested...Hey can we see what the Nadia figure looks like.

click here I don't have my computer with me but here is a site that selld what i bought. Hey Schultz do you have a pic of it...?
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
hes not my bf, but he'll be my husband soon enough Smile

viscous, morgorath is right about the weight thing - it really does fluctuate - the best thing is to get into some fun sport, rather than just boring gym work etc - that way your having fun and working out - I recommend swimming and tennis Big Grin Also jogging is better than running on the treadmil, cos your outside and your actually going somewhere, lol
Could you butcher my name any worse? :mad:

As for sports, I'd love to play tennis everyday if I could. It's just that it's hard for me to find someone to play against with peoples schedules and everything. I might get to play once a week or every two weeks. We even bought my brother a racket in hopes that I could teach him how to play so I could have someone to play agianst. But he's horrible. He can't even hit the ball most of the time, much less get it over the net.

I just started going bike riding with my little brother. He's not very good at that either. He can't even ride or pedal while standing up because he loses his balance everytime he tries doing so. But I go with him anyways and then slow down and wait for him.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Thanks for the praise. But I don't take praise too well.

So let me post a pic I just took a few hours ago with my camera myself. That other pic was taken when I was in college and would go play basketball or football or something everyday and get my exercise in. I've put on like 10-15 lbs. since then and it seems like it all went to my cheeks. I just started doing cardio and stuff again to lose the weight. Here's what I look like now. Not as flattering is it? Sad

And Animeshop, after seeing the new pic, you're allowed to take back your invite. Wink

Okay, so you put on a little weight! But man, are you harsh on yourself! Not only do you not look half as bad as you claim but you also took that picture way too close to your face. In that other picture you posted before you were further away from the camera and (and this is a key element) you were smiling.
But I know how you feel, I'm extremely insecure about the way I look and what other people say helps very little. It's what I think about myself that matters to me, I'm the one who needs to look in the mirror and like what I see. I suppose this applies to everybody.
I've learned that working out is a real ego booster not to mention healthy so you should really keep up with your cardio, cardio really helps a lot. Besides 10-15lbs isn't a lot, you'll loose them fast (trying to loose about 5-7lbs myself).
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
Okay, so you put on a little weight! But man, are you harsh on yourself! Not only do you not look half as bad as you claim but you also took that picture way too close to your face. In that other picture you posted before you were further away from the camera and (and this is a key element) you were smiling.

I probably am harsh, but imagine how harsh I am on girls then. Wink

The pic beng too close, I took it myself. As in the length of my arm is how far away I could take it. The other one was taken by a friend of mine when he worked at some photography place. He tried making me laugh, but normally I don't smile. So no smiles in any of the pics I take myself. Cool

Adn 10-15 lbs. might not be alot for some, but it annoys the hell out of me. My goal is to lose it by the end of the summer.
lol, sorry about the name vicious :confused: but yeh 10-15lbs is probably not that easy to take off - thats around 1 stone? the hardest part is getting into the habit, once you've done that - it gets easier, like a routine

Andromeda you don't need to lose any weight, you look fine - unless your trying a keira knightly look Rolleyes

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