I wonder if some of you could post pics of yerselves. Posting/trading stuff on Import-anime is great and everything but it kinda sucks to not see what the other person's face. So how about we post pics of ourselves.
Pictures!! I have pictures!! I just chopped a lot of my hair off, so I have no recent pics. However, you are welcome to visit the Schultz Family Gallery.
Here is one of myself taken yesterday.
I am lazy, so you guys can look at this poor picture of me. Scroll down to the 2nd one.
Click this, sucka!
That was actually the best out the bunch i tried to take with my piece o' trash digital camera.
(this pic is the best pic at the mo - by best i mean least pixelated - yes most of my cams suck)
Ok here are some resent pics of me. The first one is after we raped the fire the second is what the fire looked like before we started fighting it.
I chopped my hair off!! To see before pictures look to my previous post!
Ka-Talliya-sama! you look really pretty!
I still have my like 3 year old picture from 8th grade or so, but I've already posted it up before. And unlike last time I can't post up Lonely Monkey's picture without her permission, we're already supposed to kill each other next time we meet, but I'll try to talk her into putting up a good picture so you guys can have something good to look at.
here is me from like 4 months ago
Our forum is populated by hot women!
Haruka, I'm always happy with a woman who is comfortable enough to post a photo of herself wearing lingere.
Ka-Tillya, you are even better looking with your hair short, you have a beautiful neck and have done a great service to mankind by showing it the light of day.
As for a photo of me... we'll see if I can do a self portrait while I'm away on my road trip for the next two weeks. I'm much more used to being behind the lens than in front of it.
... I just remembered that I have a web gallery at Webshots that has an image or two with me in it.
THIS PICTURE is one of my favourites with both of my kids in a tree. I've lost over twenty pounds since this photo was taken last summer though.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Our forum is populated by hot women!
Haruka, I'm always happy with a woman who is comfortable enough to post a photo of herself wearing lingere.
I don't know. I can see a hint of nervousness in her eyes

She is indeed of the factor 10 hotness!