Pictures of yourself???
errrr i wont be doing anybody :p
i have my Prey *strokes vodoo doll with Batz pic on*

mWahahahahaha :p

though im sure Blight n r00ster are in jubilation
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Rav96 Wrote:but i would like to see viciuos posting again, plus hes not very talkative on AIM, think i annoy him D'oh but then again alot of people get annoyed with me...go figure
think is coz my post sluterry but im bored and refuse to do study

I think we all bored Vicious to death with our conversation. It's not passionate enough for his taste. :p But I do miss him, he's one of a kind.

Rav96 Wrote:anyway hows the BF doing hope hes Ok and your gauging away at his wallet as much you can .
is he still doning those ala Tom Cruise TopGun Raybans???..i rember the egypt pic you should get him to join the forum that way he and viciuos can duke it out forum styley and i'd very much be entertained with reading their posts im sure (hehehehe)

He's doing just fine, thanks for asking. But I don't gauge away at his wallet, I pay for my stuff and he pays for his. Which doesn't mean he can't pay for something once in a while if he feels like it. Wink And yes, he still wears those sunglasses. He looks even more like Tom Cruise when he has them on, 'cause believe me he looks a lot like Tom Cruise, I'm not the only one saying so. :p

Rav96 Wrote:You guys live in "Pedo Paradise"

the UK has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in europe (f not the highest) but thats mainly due to council estate slappers/sluts who as soon as they hit puberty screw everything in sight and dont work all their lives and live of the doll...
whos children in turn follow the same cycle...not to mention these children are the f*ckers that will bully the children of the people paying the taxes so that their parents can get the dole in the first place...

its like your funding your own childrens misery at schools...
if i sound bitter you damn straight i am...fuckin chavs i'd kill them all with nothing but a scalpel knife so they die a slow agonising death...and yeah im quasi-evil!!!

According to a tv show I watched a while ago 50000 teenage girls get pregnant in the UK every year, it's the highest number in Europe. Yet, many, many more teenage girls get pregnant every year in the USA. I do wonder what goes on in those girls' heads. They want to have sex? Fine, I have nothing against that, but at least use some sort of protection!
Scientists say it's because teenagers' brains aren't fully formed and therefore they just can't manage to be responsible even if they know the consequences. Although I believe what scientists say I don't think it's that simple, people can make an effort.

Blight Wrote:Disappointed, relived, and then disappointed again. Why does this keep happening? The weekend before last, when I went to the lake for spring break we had a HUGE ass party cause we were going home the next day. One girl, who had been flirting with me all night at the dance, I was really into cause she and I liked the same music and she was really cute. She was as tall as me and was very mature when I was talking to her, so I asked her how old she was...she was fifteen, and drinking my Smirnoff Ice's while her parents didn?t know she was there. :eek: I almost freaked out (and I weren't so cool underpresure, I would have for sure Cool ).

Anyway, the age thing is important to me; I do my damndest to keep it, and have never even kissed a girl younger than 18 since I became legal. So basically I think "DAMMMMMMIIIT" Sad

I think you like the young look teenage girls have. Which is probably one of the reasons why you like Japanese girls, they have that innocent, girly look. You're into the lolita type. :p
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Vicious... he's one of a kind

Just thought i'd highlight that nicely for you Vicious Wink
at the end of the day its from Marty so im sure your gonna print it out and frame it :p
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Ahahahahahah! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Here are some more cosplay photos from a recent club event:

cosplay as Naota from FLCL

cosplay as Lupin III
good to see your wife has made a little business out of those contoller sweaters Big Grin
and i like the lupin pose... plus the bandaid is classic
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:errrr i wont be doing anybody :p
i have my Prey *strokes vodoo doll with Batz pic on*

mWahahahahaha :p

though im sure Blight n r00ster are in jubilation

If you had a voodoo doll of me, I'd be worried... but feel free to have a little shrine in your closet or something. I have some really nice pictures in my "portfolio" you could use... or just hide in the bushes outside of my house and take some of your own.

You know, whatever works.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
XD. Rav wouldn't hide in the bushes, I think he would go for a more direct approach....he would hide inside your house Wink . One night you will just be starting to go to sleep and then Rav will pop out from under your bed and snap a few pics. Big Grin .
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Batik Wrote:One night you will just be starting to go to sleep and then Rav will pop out from under your bed and snap a few pics. Big Grin .

be carefull rooster, your not dealing with regular person here, its rav. Wink Big Grin
[Image: ffc.jpg]
im offended i only stalk a one person man :p

and r00ster if your volunteering to be my next prey then...ya never know what ya might get...Wink...just watch ya back...esp in the shower :p Wink

and gemini whats not regular about me ? :p
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:im offended i only stalk a one person man :p

Just as I was about to whine that you should rather pop out from under my bed, you go & let the truth be known! although I wouldn't mind if you were needed to stalk another.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
here's me being cool
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
here is me when i was 18 now im 21. not much has changed.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I think you like the young look teenage girls have. Which is probably one of the reasons why you like Japanese girls, they have that innocent, girly look. You're into the lolita type. :p

Not really, I just think they are older than they are. I can't be attracted to younger girls because, for the most part, they remind me of my very immature younger sister who annoys the hell out of me most of the time. I can't stand not being able to talk to someone on the same level; you know what I mean? Younger girls often just make me angry, so I guess that is why I am so easily blind sided when I see a girl that looks older and sounds mature.

And my new pictures will be delayed a bit, my ass (well, not just my ass Big Grin ) got so sun burned this weekend and while you might like to see the few pics of me in a great red pain, I'd rather not post them. The consolation however is that I got my ears pierced, so you will all get to see that.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
This is my 1996th Post Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

and to celebrate....heres more pics of me :p

You can see my mum and dad Wink (aka Alex - one of my best mates and Jes - his gf)

and for Batz ive found some pics of me years and years and years back when i had the eyebrow and labret (lip) pierced...there are some better pics somewhere but cant find em Sad so these will have to do...and again Steve (my mate whos cake i was trying to steal in the last set) makes an appearance coz it was on his bday dinner thingy plus you can see the remnant of my mohawk back then which has sadly kinda grown out abit (on the sides) in these pics...when i find the hardcore ones (when i died it Jet Blue/Red) i'll post em God how my fashion sense has changed...and thankfully improved Big Grin Cool

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Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!


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