Pictures of yourself???
You're 6'4'' or 6'5'', right? It seems like being very tall runs in your family. I must be a midget to you. :p
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Your second guess was right, I'm 6'5". Yeah it does run in the family and let me tell you

its not all its cracked up to be. Thank goodness I'm not as tall as my big least

not yet anyway. Anyway Andromeda what you don't have in height you probably make up

for in beauty Big Grin . So don't feel bad. Anyway later. Cool
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Geebus! 6'0+ people are intimidating.. but being taller than most people does have it's perks. =P

Up until my junior year of high school, I was about 5'3... (yep.. that's no typo). Ever since I was a kid til high school, guys, as well as taller girls, always picked on me... (see picture below)... yep.. the BOWLCUT didn't help much either. -___-"

Finally, by the end of senior year, I grew to be 5'10... and was finally able to pick up on the girls I wanted. LOL. Girls stopped making fun of me and petting me on the head.. and all was well.

Milk DOES do a body good.. Wink

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*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!
wow, you where an adorable kid! XD

and, I must say, when I was taller then you (highschoolwise) I would have picked on you too :p

Or pinched your cheeks . . . NO not -those- cheeks. :eek: :p
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
Made By Blight ^
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Your second guess was right, I'm 6'5". Yeah it does run in the family and let me tell you its not all its cracked up to be. Thank goodness I'm not as tall as my big least not yet anyway. Anyway Andromeda what you don't have in height you probably make up for in beauty Big Grin . So don't feel bad. Anyway later. Cool

You sure know how to make a person feel better. Big Grin
But I agree with you being that tall must have it's disadvantages. For instance, when compared to you a woman will always be quite small unless she's 6' and 6 feet tall women are rare.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
t03knee Wrote:... feel free to make fun of me at any time.

Like I needed an invite. Cool
Lol. Nice Vicious.

to3knee- I agree with katherine_jean, you were a cute little kid ^___^. Now here is the big question. Are you still that cute? Tongue.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Vicious: lol.. thanks for the warm welcome. :p

Katherine-Jean/Batik: Haha.. thanks. And sadly no, I don't think i'm as cute as I used to be.. but I can still get by. Cool
*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!
Im only 6' but ive noticed a problem.Im sure ryo would have noticed.Girls sometimes talk to you with their hands on their chest(when i was at school).You dont even have to be looking there.Its like a natural defense and looks rather stupid. Smile maybe its just because there were alot of tall guys.Both my 6'3 brothers say the same thing.One of the reasons this is odd is that young girls are completly different when your in your 20s and showing off their breasts is like a favourite pastime or something.Meanwhile warning bells with jailbait start going off in your head.Then the gigling,then the headaches.
Sorry lack of sleep makes weird posts.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
Lmao. Weird posts indeed! But somewhat true......a dicusssion about those types of habits came up today in drama......strange....

Some of my friends do that I noticed it and was a bit confused. "uh.......why are you doing that?" I would ask and they were completely unaware of it all. It only happened when they were talking to guys though.....actually, any guys that were taller than them.........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeird.
Hot Damn, that was cool!

I've never cared much about that. The thing is nobody is going to get a better view than my own and if I think what I see is okay then there's no problem if other people see it too. Besides, if I'm wearing a cleavage what else was I expecting. Rolleyes
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The thing is nobody is going to get a better view than my own and if I think what I see is okay then there's no problem if other people see it too.

LMFAO! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I've never cared much about that. The thing is nobody is going to get a better view than my own and if I think what I see is okay then there's no problem if other people see it too. Besides, if I'm wearing a cleavage what else was I expecting. Rolleyes
I completely agree!! If you don't want guys staring down your shirt, don't wear a shirt that lets them. Then again, it is very rude to stare...very rude indeed.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:it is very rude to stare...very rude indeed.

tsk tsk tsk
[Image: ffc.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The thing is nobody is going to get a better view than my own

True, true. But I can try to get a good view if you'd let me. :eek:

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