08-30-2004, 11:17 PM
morgorath Wrote:This topic and politics are sure fire bets to start a heated conversation. As for beliefs my father once told me that "If you do not believe and get up to heaven and there it is in all it's glory what happens? Well because you didn't believe you go to hell. Now take the other approach say you do believe and then you die only to find out that the scientist were right there is no life after death and you rot in the ground. Were did your faith get you then. No where... its right were you would be if you didn't believe, but if the later is correct and there is a god and you do believe then you get all the rewards."
At that time (me being 14) it sounds like a win / win situation to me. And I guess it still does today.
Well, it comes down to the personality of said patron of religion. Are they naturally inquisitive? How do they approach what is presented to them in life? What do they think when they listen to people about religion?
Belief is something you can't fake, especially if god is as omniscient as the bible and qur'an make him out to be. Lastly, considering the amount of restrictions placed on someone who adheres to religion strictly, they really can't live life to the fullest.