What Systems do you have ?
You are awesome! I agree totally. If a game isn't on it it's on PS2 or PC and PC is the best way to go if you can afford it! I agree with the DVD usage too!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
i'm a ps2 fan myself but i just got the xbox cuz i'm kinda a collector
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
I hate X-box. From the very first time i heard that Microsoft was expanding into the console world, it burned me up. I don't want this thread to regress into a PC vs. Console thread so i'll stop there.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
I only have an XBOX coz it was a birthday present! Damn Micro$oft

Number of games = 2 (dead or alive3 and DOA BVB)- bouncy bouncy..drule drule Wink
PS2 games = 42 and growing

now that speaks for itself!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Well I only have an xbox so i could mod it and turn it into a true gaming master piece...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Emulation on XBOX does rule!

but N64 is sooo fastly emulated GRRR

lucky i have the real deal but emulation rocks coz then i can play games i dont own or are hard to get
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Well I only have an xbox so i could mod it and turn it into a true gaming master piece...

I thought you had a Cube too Morg?!?!?!?!?:confused:
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Atari 2600
Atari Jaguar
Nintendo 64
Nintendo N.E.S.
Nintendo S.N.E.S.
PC (Win98)
Sears Pong Sports IV (4 paddle pong console)
Sega 32X
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Sony Playstation 2

If you consider it to be a game system then my all time favorite would be the PC. The PC console can boast classic games such as the BBS doors BRE & LORD, the original Sim City & Prince of Persia. It also has great new games such as Ragnarok & EverQuest MMORPG games.

As for console game systems my favorites are:
1st wave: Atari 2600
2nd wave: Sega Genesis
3rd wave: Sega Dreamcast

The Neo Geo AES would probably bump out the Genesis if I could afford one and the NEC PC-FX would also be considered if I could read japanese.
<A HREF=http://www.habitz.net>The Habitz Network</A>: Home to <A HREF=http://comical.habitz.net>[it] </A> and <A HREF=http://gamer.habitz.net>AAG</A>.
i love the whole "waves" concept!

totally make sense!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I only have the two systems that matter, the two best.

Sega Dreamcast
Super Famicom
<a href="http://elotroladodelburro.tripod.com">Website</a>
There's the (red) GBA I got for Christmas...plus the two others (blue and Plat) Schultz has. (3)
Then the (Plat) Gamecube "we" got for Christmas. Plus Schultz's (Black). (2)
Hmm, I think there are only two Xboxs in the house, modded of course. (2)
My PS2...(the only console I can solely claim.)
Those are the only ones we use on a semi-regular basis. Big Grin
and with what Katalliya posted.. back at home i have

TurboGraphix 16
and going to be getting a Saturn shortly..
Plus almost all the Gameboy's models there was put out.. ;o)
Your picking up a Saturn... Just ask and I will send you my spare Rob... Remeber you jinked me and I ended up with 2 of them.... I am modding one of them if you want the other one modded before I send it to you just say so...or is that why you are getting one?
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
I only have the two systems that matter, the two best.

Sega Dreamcast
Super Famicom

The two best consoles... maybe, but it's the PC which is the best system Smile
<A HREF=http://www.habitz.net>The Habitz Network</A>: Home to <A HREF=http://comical.habitz.net>[it] </A> and <A HREF=http://gamer.habitz.net>AAG</A>.
I have many, I'd feel very redundant listing them now...

I have one of those little SNES's and a regular one too, almost had a black one, but never got it. In recent times, I have a GameCube, PS2, and Gameboy SP/Player. And a PC, but it's acting up lately, won't do anything strenuous without locking up...sometimes that can just be loading a webpage :mad:

Yeah, so getting it to run 3D games...it is to laugh. Xbox doesn't really attract me right now. I'd mod one, but I'd rather just spend my cash on anime or more games Smile

Or fixing my computer...*grumble mumble*

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