I've been practicing. Anybody any good here?!?
flash flash revolution is good enough for me...

The game is way too much fun.
DDR would be more fun to play if there were electrodes to zap you when you mess up. That's another game in itself! :wink:
I don't jump on the DDR machine too much but I do play the Guitar every now and then I am getting better. But my Fav song to play is Cutie Pie. I wonder if that is on DDR. Anyways got a question. I posted in the Anime Con forms that I am making an ASV (Anime Soundtrack Video) for the Con. I'll be using the Soundtrack from Highlander. I'd love for it to be a group project. Hell there are 9 songs. Even if I spend day and night I might not be able to finish the project. Shoot me a PM if I got you attention.
Never a big Queen fan. :mrgreen:
That's no joke about Kaks brother either Steve. He REALLY plays Queen EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
That's my reality.

Ok just look at as the soundtrack from Highlander and not Queen.
I just don't wanna be another guy showing up with some Linkin Park AMV.
Anyways, Dark & Kakoi I thinking I might show up a day early (at your place not the Con) . For a few reasons I think driving all that way after flying might be bad on me. Two I wouldn't mind hanging with you guys in your hell hole for a day. What do you think and is there a cheap place for me to crash at...

Dumpsters are always free. Watch out for trash day though. :mrgreen:
Yes dumpsters are cheap and trash day is not only bad but it relocates your sleeping grounds. I have a spare bedroom with a bed!!! If you would rather stay somewhere else though, there is a hotel across the street from the gas station you will drive past on the exit you come off of at my house next to the Waffle House! That is less than 3 minutes from my house by the way.

hey if it's cool with you I'll crash on the spare bed of yours. And I'll be eating at that Waffle House in the morning that's a promise.
And Steve thanks for the homeless idea... I'll pass though. Oh and I have a few of the things you asked for but I need a list from you to insure I get all that you want...