A wandering post, that it was (Kenshin Inversion).

I like the Idea of chasing Meese and gouging out eyes. So how many others are planning on going? We need to see each other so then we will know just how scary we really are.

Hey Morg I just emailed you so check it yo!!!
And yes I really do look like my avatar!!!! Except with hair. :twisted: :twisted:
Give Kaks avatar a beard like Zangief and there he is Kakoi the furry man woman :!: :twisted: :twisted:

Dead on balls??? :? :? :?
Hey Dark where did you send the e-mail... Could you resend it to this mail account... Hell I'm at the boards enough might as well use the mail here...
Kakoi... it is going to be a blast. I can't wait to load up with games, chips, and what ever else we can get are hands on.
Steve where are you located... wanna ride with us... man could you imagine that us four it would be scary to say the least
I sent it to
[email protected]
Isn't that what you sent me as your email?
Anyhow, I will just send it to you again through pm or something :roll: . It's no big deal. :wink: :twisted: :twisted:
An Overfiending We Will Go!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Man we are going to tear up the Anime Convention. Oh and speaking of the 4 Horsemen... check the photo of and yes that is a tattoo of a IV Horseman on my arm. See the Roman # in the ass of the horse...
Oh and Dark I got the E-mail sorry I'm an ass... A horse's ass
So when ya' comin' ta' town Morg?

I'm so psyched up for the Con!!!!! Must...contain...bodily fluids...!!!! 8O :?
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: