i am almost definatly going, just gotta get it cool with the rents
Damn rents. They just don't understand!!!!
What is your new job? :wink:
Maybe something on the streets? :mrgreen:
He may be trying to take your street pharmasist job.

And that means no painkillers for the hobo in drag. 8O
C'mon they are the biggest customers!

Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Damn rents. They just don't understand!!!!
ugh, i leave for new orleans the day before, i need someone to go with me

How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? :mrgreen:
Well here we are another day on the boards... I have a new job boys and it's a blast (not) I'm covered in "F"ing dry poweder all day. I look forward to this con everyday... I'll post more but for now it is off to bed for me
What's the first thing you want to do Morg, when you get to NC?
No that's what I want to do! :mrgreen:
I've killed plenty of rednecks.