Sailor Scouts gone wild sounds cool! The day after the con we should go sight seeing! I keep having people say "Go to the Aquarium" to me!
yeah, people always say, go to the aquarium, but I didnt really find it that fun, but I guess you can go if you enjoy that educational boring type of thing :mrgreen:
You can be my side kick... lol :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
yes!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Im set! but before I can be seen with you in public you need to get those ugly garmets off and strap yourself in some spandex! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Fear the spandex!!! I'll bring the Whip cream! Waitaminute! 8O
yes, everything is falling into into place, my dream of superherodom will finally realized. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote: Wolverine from X-men movie " You guys really wear this stuff. Cyclops "What were you expecting yellow spandex"
You can throw that at the window if I put on Spandex it will look like I'm tring to smugle 2 cherries and a slim jim around town.
Anyways I really have to play my time well because you see Dark my family really is mad I', not going to be home for Easter. I have missed so many holidays, and I will be in the local area and I'm not coming home is bad mojo but I'll shoot you an e-mail. ANd tell you what I'm thinking
We don't have to go out after the con we can still just come back so you can leave.
That was just a thought. But my Ticket's in the mail so I am set for the con but after it I'd rather come back home myself. IF and only IF you guys want to do something the next then I can deal with that.
Not quite sure what you mean dark are you wanting to take a bus back home or what cause if you and kakoi want to stay in town a day or two that is cool I will just have my plane ticket set up so I can fly out of boston. Then you guys can return the car to the rent place sound like a god plan.
Me too! No scimping out! I'll be happy to do something stupid on tape! Schultz can at least laugh at the tape since he can't go.

Yeah it is too bad he won't be there!

Maybe (what am I saying maybe?) if this con is great we will have to make it a yearly event. Then maybe he can come the next time! :wink:
He will be at the next one he can go to I bet on that also... How do you guys feel about driving back Home by your selfs. It will make it easier to run around for an extra day after the Con come Monday.
It's no problem! We will be fine! Even though I will be freaking out when we hit the MASSIVE stuff! But it isn't a problem for me!