PLease look to my new thread titled "Bad News"... I have something to say and I do not wish to put it here because this fourm & thread have always made me smile... SO just chek my new thread...
And check my Random Pics thread....I put new ones in there and think it is funny!!!
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"
I told you the subs on the One Piece subs aren't bad (if that is what you are reffering to). It is quite understandable, and better than alot of other releases as well. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
yeah, the only problem is they mess up on words being plural and singular, but the timing is dead on and the spelling is great. :mrgreen:
They aren't too bad. Especially considering they are HK originals. :mrgreen:
yeah, but I am getting to the point where there is quite a bit of grammar problems, but it is still understandable.
It will be understandable the entire time. It will never get to the point where you really can't understand it. What story arc are you in? :mrgreen:
the whole sea resteraunt scene, just at the point where captain click, or clerk, whatever his name was just fired the poison gas.
MH5! they are saying kuliku in japanese but it translates to Krieg. Your not even to any of the best stuff yet. Just wait. Have you seen Sanji's past yet?? :?
yeah, and inbetwetween my last post in this thread and this one I watched up to episode 32, where ****SPOILER**** you find out that nami, is actually a pirate.
**********BIG SPOILER********** You know Zeff who loses his leg saving sanji? That isn't how that is supposed to happen. You want to know how he really lost it you say? He ate it.

really???? .... or wait is this just my guliblility kicking in? :mrgreen: but seriously, is that what really happened in the manga?
Yep, he takes a rock and cuts his leg off and eats it while deserted on that rock. I liked it better that way. :mrgreen:
wierd, but since he was "red foot" wouldnt it prove more logical to pick a different body part? or at least the left foot since it appeared that he was right handed(footed)
When your hungry you'll eat just about anything.

yeah I suppose, but if I had incredible kicking ass skills I think that I would rather eat my hand :mrgreen: if I had to choose that is :wink: