I really hate to sound dumb and I don't feel like reading 13 pages of posts, so which convention are you guys talking about?
Anime Boston 2003. No problem answering a question like that. It's not stupid. :mrgreen:
I was wondering what some of the biggest conventions in the US are. We get some ghetto ones around here once in a while. But I heard that there's one in Baltimore in August called Otakon which they're claiming as the 2nd biggest in the nation. Trying to find out if that's true or not. If it is, I might have to go check it out. I never go to any of the ghetto ones, cuz the way I look at it, my entry fee could pay for another DVD or two.
It is one of the biggest cons in the United States. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I'll definitely have to check it out then. Only 6 more months to go.
I believe Cali has the largest. :mrgreen: The City of Angels. :mrgreen:
ARCH angels!

The San Fransico con is very large. :mrgreen:
San Francisco has a lot of ferries around the bay.
Hey, I'm a Niners fan. Leave San Fran alone.
Garcia is the man, another CFL QB :mrgreen:
I really don't watch sports. I would rather participate in them. :mrgreen:
Oh yes the Otakon it is the 2nd biggest (based on attendance figures from last year)
Calif had the biggest last year and NY came in 3rd with there labor day Con as well.
Steve to answer your question on Schultz and the clap that would be a no...
It has more to due with the Military than anything else...
I'll have an up date next time but bed time is calling so later all
Alright Morgorath. I've finally managed to amass some money for our trip. I want to try to have about $600 for it. I've also looked into all the ways to get there, but we will get into that later. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Did you buy your ticket yet? Can you get one at the door? :mrgreen: