I can see it now Spending are days at the Con seeing new anime on the lists and watching uncut stuff... Arguing with the vendors, 20 bucks a shirt but all it says Baka in Kanji what a rip off... and what not...
Then spend in a few hours on the DDR pad and kicking Darks but at some street fighter... then teaming up with Schultz for some two plater metal slug. And grabbing my russian and polock boys to drink a few rounds down at the local pub...
Now I am getting all worked up Kakoi, Shibo, Dark... I want to play some magic I hope there's a place to play because you guys are going down...
Shibo - got a question for ya since you have been to a CON before...
What can I expect, I hear horror stories from like the Star Wars Cons
And you mentiond the ADV panel and how we can ask them questions how does that work, do I need a press pass or something cause I'll try to snag one if I can...
This'll be my second con.. Well, expect to see lots of high school fanboys and fangirls, most are easy to ignore.. They'll be some cool people walking around, a few cute cosplayers and some gross ones.. as far as magic goes, I haven't played for years but I expect pyrite can wipe the floor with you if you ask him nicely.

I typically spend most of my time in video rooms and panels but there's always gaming going on and plenty of autograph sessions and the like. industry panels are open to all con goers.. Manga's was really boring at NDK, ADV's was fabulous. it's pretty much an open forum.. they make a few announcements, maybe show you a few video clips, and ask questions.. At NDK they announced the subbed sailor moon box sets and the new english Excel Saga VA, then showed some clips from excel saga and their Nuku Nuku DVD. I can't see myself attending manga's panel but I plan to be at Bandai's and ADV's.. Hopefully bandai can tell me if they have any plans for a subbed Gundam 0079 box set..

I'll be pretty much sticking to the con other than a few jaunts into Boston. I'm not much of a drinker, but Boston has lots of cool pubs for those who are interested. I'm sure I could look up a couple names. I know Grendel's in Harvard Square is supposed to be pretty cool.
I'm still too young to drink so I'll just come the streets bothering street performers like I always do. :mrgreen: Even if I was drunk I could still be pretty damn good at DDR. :mrgreen:
I am NOT into drinking...I am old enough but I have seen what it does to some relatives of mine and I refuse to have that happen to me. I too will be mostly Conning the whole time I am there but will gladly go to lunch and shopping too if others are up to it. I'd like to go to a mall or Arcade but if the con is as fun as it sounds then to hades and beyond with all the other crap I just listed! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ok... I can take a hint, I'm not much of a drinker myself... Hell when I go out with the boys from the fire dept I end up being the DD on those nights. As for the Con I am looking forward to as much as the rest of you, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of the city as well. Hell I have never been to Boston, and it is going to be a blast even if the Convention ends up blowing big ones. Which I have faith it won't... I pray it won't
Well it's all good. I could pack down a few beers while dancing on DDR or while watching Fushigi Yugi to make Miaka even hotter. :mrgreen:
As I said, if I go, I'll bring the Yuugi

What about the porn and beer? :wink:
I'm only 17

I'm in the same ball park. Don't worry. That's what facial hair and fake id's are for. The only time I've ever really bothered to drink was while I was watching Yugi. It got me depressed. :mrgreen:
That's because you're a wuss

I'm not watching Fushigi Yugi at the con. 3 video rooms run 19 hours per day, I'll be watching enough stuff there, not going to watch something I've already seen during my down time, sorry.

It's a neat idea, but trust, me, you'll see enough anime over those 3 days, you won't be thinking about Fushigi Yugi unless you're buying FY stuff in the dealers' room. =)
Um, Shibo...I would be buying FY stuff in the dealers room. Duh.
You said you'd be *bringing* the yugi in an earlier post. Buying it is different.