Pictures of yourself???
For a skinny man... I actually prefer girls who aren't bigger than me. (Makes me feel like a loser Sad ) On the other hand, ribcage skinny is just scary. Sadly, it reminds me of the poor African children.. *shivers*.. poor kids. =/

Also, if a girl looks perfect like Andromeda says.. perky butt, big breasts, etc while still maintaining a stick frame, most of them are struggling to maintain it... that or they were just blessed somehow.
*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!
Cyrus Wrote:when you can see a womans ribcage it's really gross to me in fact i prefer women with a little meat on them

but thats just what i think

i think you look great myself but its about being happy with yourself more so then if any guy thinks your hott

A woman doesn't need to have her ribcage showing to be thin. The woman in the picture below is thin and you can't see her ribcage.

By the way, kristym22, that girl in the pic is a size 4. Now imagine what I think your sisters look like. :eek:

t03knee Wrote:Also, if a girl looks perfect like Andromeda says.. perky butt, big breasts, etc while still maintaining a stick frame, most of them are struggling to maintain it... that or they were just blessed somehow.

It's true and it isn't. Some do struggle, there's no denying it. However, there are many women (particularly young women) who are naturally like that. Besides, big breasts are something one's born with (well, not exactly born but... :p ), and a perky butt if it isn't a matter of genetics can be obtained through weight training, so all a woman who has those attributes has to do is keep thin which doesn't require that much of an effort. If people get fat it's because they eat too much, eating the necessary amount of food isn't struggling.

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[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Well,I am not over weight.The doctor said I was a healthy weight, I still want to loose weight though,but not very much more.I only want to loose 15 more lbs
kristym22 Wrote:Well,I am not over weight.The doctor said I was a healthy weight, I still want to loose weight though,but not very much more.I only want to loose 15 more lbs

To be honest, weight means little. Size is what maters. If a girl weighs 150 and is like 5?6?, but runs for miles a day while exercising regularly, muscle is what will make her that weight. And you can be damn sure that she will look great and be healthy. (note: don?t take my proportions too exactly, cause it is totally an estimation). Having a strong firm body is better than bring a paper weight.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:To be honest, weight means little. Size is what maters. If a girl weighs 150 and is like 5?6?, but runs for miles a day while exercising regularly, muscle is what will make her that weight. And you can be damn sure that she will look great and be healthy. (note: don?t take my proportions too exactly, cause it is totally an estimation). Having a strong firm body is better than being a paper weight.

Hmm, you were a little harsh, jerk!

I guess what I really meant is being healthy is better. Losing weight is bad. Like i hate my mid section, I always have, but losing weight isn't going to do any good. I need to do like a billion sit-ups and I?d be good...but man do I friggin hate stomach work! I say take up a martial art if you want a fit body. Increase flexibility, strength, stamina (all depending on how hard you work) and give you piece of mind. I have been practicing Bo Staff for about three months now, and I really like it. I mean, I dropped it on my head al lot at first (and still every once in a while) but I can also do some badass stuff that makes me feel good about myself. Sure, I looked like a baton twirler in the beginning, but I have come a LONG way from where I started and it gives me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, as well as the best looking arms I have every had.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Hmm,well I was doing 1/2 hour exercise everyday, but when I started working 9-15 hour days I had to stop because one day I got home and did 1/2 hour workout after working a 15 hour day...I was like pheww and fell over and passed out on my bed for hours, but I am changeing my hours to alot less, so I will be able to workout more again..^_^

I got some really cute weights for my birthday...!_!
Blight Wrote:To be honest, weight means little. Size is what maters. If a girl weighs 150 and is like 5?6?, but runs for miles a day while exercising regularly, muscle is what will make her that weight. And you can be damn sure that she will look great and be healthy. (note: don?t take my proportions too exactly, cause it is totally an estimation). Having a strong firm body is better than bring a paper weight.

That is true, I have a friend who looks skinny but the amount of fat he has stored in his stomach classifies him has overweight, this because he has very little muscle. I mean, I'm stronger than him not only pound per pound but also in absolute terms, there's no muscle there. :p Instead of having a scale at home we should have a fat measuring machine.
I recently found a place where they measure your body fat for free. The problem is it's done by a nutritionist and he asks a million questions before actually getting to it. I wish I could just get there, have it measured and go away. Oh well, can't have it all. I'm thinking of going there next week and see how I'm doing.

Blight Wrote:Hmm, you were a little harsh, jerk!

I guess what I really meant is being healthy is better. Losing weight is bad. Like i hate my mid section, I always have, but losing weight isn't going to do any good. I need to do like a billion sit-ups and I?d be good...but man do I friggin hate stomach work!

If the problem with your mid section is fat then doing sit-ups isn't going to help. You'll have to get rid of the fat by doing cardio before you see the results of the sit-ups. Also, what most people don't realize is that there is no point to doing a million sit-ups. The abs are just like any other muscle, they have a limit. You wouldn't do a million bicep curls, would you? The ideal way to work the abs is by doing about 3 series of 15-20 reps (obviously, this can vary). Rest is also very important, it's pointless to do sit-ups everyday. But you know, I feel your pain, I hate stomach work as well which is why I'm lazy and never do it nowadays. :p Working out in general keeps my stomach and abdomen flat so I don't really have to go through the trouble.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Hmm, well I thought I may as well post a very recent picture took 1 minute ago.^_^
Here is a very recent picture took 1 minute ago.^_^
you look really great in that pic Big Grin
Thanks ^_^
Hey hey nice pics peops...

and wo0t Breasts Wink
hope everyone is well

i cant be asked to surf anymore i'll check again tommorrow...

please help me coz
the supposed HK ANIME BOXSETS arent easily found
when in HK???? WTF!!!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Whoa...I missed a lot. Eek....I thought they would be esy to can find just about anything like that. is almost out!...still need to take finals..... @____X arg. So, anyone have plans for the summer?
Hot Damn, that was cool!

Batik is almost out!...still need to take finals..... @____X arg. So, anyone have plans for the summer?
My week of vacation was last week, I worked Tuesday-Thursday (Monday I didn't have a ride & Fridays are more than optional)
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
You are so damn lucky you are out. Sad
Hot Damn, that was cool!


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