Wii for you and Wii for me
Are there any rechargeable batteries for the remote? or are rechargable AA the only option. I like having the play and charge kit with 360 controllers.

Proof is in the screenshots.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
One interesting thing about this whole conversation is that I had no idea the new Zelda was still coming out for the Gamecube, I thought they were making the game for the Wii alone. Since I want to play the game but don't really want to buy the Wii because of only one game this is indeed good news. And even if the game looks better on the Wii I doubt it will look bad on the Gamecube.

About the Wii's controller, it definitely looks very interesting (I want to play tennis with that thing Big Grin ) but also very different from anything we've (at least I) ever experienced. I believe we will get used to it but it might be awkward at first.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
The only problem Andromeda is that i think they have delayed the GC version of zelda for like 3-6 months after the Wii launch. So you will have to wait a while to be able to play it on the GC.

Hum maybe not looked around at the stores and it seems it will be released ~ 15 Dec 06. only about 1 month behind. not too shabby. But why experience it with subpar controls.!
Ya it's a little under a month behind. Besides, it was developed for the cube so I doubt (just guessing here) the wii version will look all that much better. Kinda like port titles for the 360. Sure they do look quite a bit better, but not gears of war better.

Who knows maybe the remote will make me wanna buy it on the wii. Probably gonna buy red steel and see how it works out.

I'm also extremely sad to learn that so few retro games are coming out and they're only adding about 10 total a month, and not even starting until january. That's stupid. How hard is it to emulate a damn snes game? I wanna buy CT and the FF games. Oh well, guess i'll just stick with my illegal emulator. The fact that only 10 are coming out a month just frustrates me to no end. They obviously need to assign more people to this area..

Also, anyone notice no 64 games on the list of launch games? Wonder how long it's going to take them to release one. I was really looking forward to playing goldeneye with my friends again on the wii. =/
Cidien Wrote:Ya it's a little under a month behind. Besides, it was developed for the cube so I doubt (just guessing here) the wii version will look all that much better. Kinda like port titles for the 360. Sure they do look quite a bit better, but not gears of war better.

Who knows maybe the remote will make me wanna buy it on the wii. Probably gonna buy red steel and see how it works out.

I'm also extremely sad to learn that so few retro games are coming out and they're only adding about 10 total a month, and not even starting until january. That's stupid. How hard is it to emulate a damn snes game? I wanna buy CT and the FF games. Oh well, guess i'll just stick with my illegal emulator. The fact that only 10 are coming out a month just frustrates me to no end. They obviously need to assign more people to this area..

Also, anyone notice no 64 games on the list of launch games? Wonder how long it's going to take them to release one. I was really looking forward to playing goldeneye with my friends again on the wii. =/
Here is the one thing. Nitendo don't own the rights to all the NES, SNES, N64 games. They have to work deals with producers of those games to allow them to be on the Retro list. From what i have heard they will have ~ 15-20 on initial release (bonk's adventure going to be one of them woot) and then suppose to have 30 or so by years end.. But again like i mentioned they have to work licensing deals with all the companys that released the games. Also some of the games will probably take a whlie to release that already have changes done to them. like Mario 64 redone on the DS. Even though that game still makes the best outta the N64 controller. I can't really see playing it comfortably on anything else. Damn must resist pulling out my N64 to play it..

Also i am sure the graphics has been polished up and alot done to the game. Realistically the game was pretty much done 1 year ago. But they keep delaying and finally made it a Wii launch title. So i am sure they had 1 year to do extra polishing for the Wii specifically.
Cidien Wrote:BTW do you guys know how gamecube games are gonna work with the wii? It's got a disc loader that sucks the disc in. Doesn't seem like a small gamecube disc is gonna work right doing that. At least no technology i've seen can do it. They all recommend you don't because it can screw it up and jam.

Its going to be slot loading. And there really haven't never been an attempt to do this.. As Mini-discs never got popular enough for people to do slot loading. But i do know 1 things. Nintendo's Hardware track record at least for me.

Had only 1 NES, 1 Gameboy, 1 SNES, 1 N64, 1 GameCube, 1 GBA, 1 DS.
3 Playstations, 2 Playstation 2's. 2 Xbox's and heard alot of issues people has had with the 360's.

All i can say is i have never had to replace any of my nintendo products over there lifetimes. While on the same boat i have had to replace playstations quit often because of issues with them. Like stops reading game discs. Or that it won't even load a game unless it was on its side. (Yes i had to do this with my original Playstation would have to tip it up and prop it up on its side for it to play games for a while before it finally died and wouldn't play anything)

On the other besides watching people replace xbox's after xbox's and ps's after ps's back in the old days it was the same with the Lynx and the GameGear. They just always shit the bucket while my good ole 4 shade of grey gameboy kept ticking (but going through batteries like nothing. I wonder if battery company's stock dropped when nintendo released the GBA SP with rechardable batter as demand went down on battery's)
Their stock is gonna be up again with all the wireless controllers out there. I have about 6 packs of 6 AA's.

Also, your original nes still works? I've gone through 3. Sold the third one a while ago while it still worked. The NES has a ton of problems with it including the blinking screen of death.

Their systems are generally very good though. Wonder if the Wii will keep up the tradition.

Oh the DS has mad pixel problems too. I bought 4 DS's when media play was going out of business. I went through all four of them to find one without at least one dead pixel. The last one I opened was finally fine. The grey DS I had before I bought all those and sold cuz I needed money also had 2 dead pixels.
Cidien Wrote:Their stock is gonna be up again with all the wireless controllers out there. I have about 6 packs of 6 AA's.

Also, your original nes still works? I've gone through 3. Sold the third one a while ago while it still worked. The NES has a ton of problems with it including the blinking screen of death.

Their systems are generally very good though. Wonder if the Wii will keep up the tradition.

Oh the DS has mad pixel problems too. I bought 4 DS's when media play was going out of business. I went through all four of them to find one without at least one dead pixel. The last one I opened was finally fine. The grey DS I had before I bought all those and sold cuz I needed money also had 2 dead pixels.
I never care about 1 or 2 pixels dead in a screen because for products selling that is within tolerence. Even LCD computer moniters always have some dead pixels in them. The only time i would take it back is if an area of pixels where out and could clearly see em. Even the PSP has this same problem with the LCD screen on it. And i am sure Ipods have these issues to with there new video screens.

And the only thing i had to do with my NES is slide the cartridge in barely and shift it to the left. Never had a problem with games loading or anything once i learned that technique. Also the Game Genie resolved that loading issue. games always worked even if you never used the Game Genie. but never had a system totally die on me like all the sony and microsoft products.
Schultz Wrote:but never had a system totally die on me like all the sony and microsoft products.

same here. i have a lot of systems and besides the sometimes difficulty loading the nes, i've never had a problem with any of my systems, except my playstation.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
For anyone interested my buddy Shane is the review Editor for EGM and he got his Twilight Princess game in last week to review. Anyway he scanned the manual and posted it up on Photoshop.


Damn this looks so fun, can't wait to get my hands on it.
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
well ive preordered and payed for mine. Might make you laugh. 609 with zelda nz dollars. Man nz gets ripped
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
wrxh8r Wrote:well ive preordered and payed for mine. Might make you laugh. 609 with zelda nz dollars. Man nz gets ripped
Yea like i have said earlier threads. I feel sorry for Europe as a whole for all video gaming. Get screwed no matter what. Always get it late and more expensive..
Well looks like my friends stealing back his wii reservation since he has money now. Guess i'll just renew live and buy a couple games like tony hawk and rainbow six when it comes out. Zelda and to an extent red steel are all I was really looking forward to for a long time anyways.
I had one blue ds and it had a perfect screen, then I got the polar white dslite and it had one dead pixel in the far bottom right of the top screen, I almost never notice it accept when I power up.

My gen 5.5 ipod has a perfect screen no issues whatsoever.

I never had to replace any of my nintendo products.

I did have a ps2 quit on me after 2 years and an xbox die after 3.

With the way technology is today slot loaders are no big deal self righting tech is old hack, besides they wouldnt base a major system aspect on something that was not proven technology. Just like the remote, if it didnt work they wouldnt have made it!!
Schultz Wrote:The only problem Andromeda is that i think they have delayed the GC version of zelda for like 3-6 months after the Wii launch. So you will have to wait a while to be able to play it on the GC.

Hum maybe not looked around at the stores and it seems it will be released ~ 15 Dec 06. only about 1 month behind. not too shabby. But why experience it with subpar controls.!

It seems the Gamecube version will be on sale here in Europe in 7 days. Big Grin For as much fun as the Wii's controller might be I simply don't think I'm going to spend 250? ($320) because of one game, so I'll just have to enjoy the Gamecube version of Zelda.
Anyway, I was just looking at some screenshots of the game posted on IGN.com and graphically speaking all the pictures from the gamecube version looked quite better than the ones from the Wii. Is that...normal? Shouldn't the Wii version have better graphics? Or at least graphics as good as the gamecube's?

wrxh8r Wrote:well ive preordered and payed for mine. Might make you laugh. 609 with zelda nz dollars. Man nz gets ripped

609 nz dollars is more or less what we'll have to pay here. The Wii costs 250? and the game 60?, that's 310? (close to 600 NZ dollars and close to 400 US dollars). I'm guessing the money you paid included shipping expenses, right? So, all in all it wasn't such a bad deal (considering you're in New Zealand of course).
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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