was this an anime or not
In case you don't get what I mean by 'assfucking', it's this. Whenever Vicious bugs someone or flames someone, it seems he's doing nothing more than boosting his ego, since no one's going to benefit from his comments (aside from all you other monkeys who encourage him). It's almost like ass-raping an innocent child who never deserved such wrath, which I find quite disgusting and pitiful.

By sticking his nose in someone else's business, he's figuratively speaking, subjecting his own ass to the same kind of ravaging he loves to impose upon others. Just desserts, I might say.

But I'm not an ass person, so I'll leave the ridiculing to someone else.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
In case you don't get what I mean by 'assfucking', it's this. Whenever Vicious bugs someone or flames someone, it seems he's doing nothing more than boosting his ego, since no one's going to benefit from his comments (aside from all you other monkeys who encourage him). It's almost like ass-raping an innocent child who never deserved such wrath, which I find quite disgusting and pitiful.

By sticking his nose in someone else's business, he's figuratively speaking, subjecting his own ass to the same kind of wrath that he loves to impose upon others.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Assfucking is usually something my girlfriend hates. I once dated a Brazilian chick that was really into it though. Robojackoff calm down man, you sound like you need to go out and get some ass yourself.
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Gotta love those metaphors that make no sense.

Stop being bitter because you've been on the wrong end of one of my 'assfuckings' as you like to call it in the past. You were an idiot then and you still seem to be one now. Or do you consider yourself 'an innocent child who never deserved such wrath'? Hahahahaa. What a joke.

By the way, I don't care what you do with your ass on your time, but I've never exposed or subjected mine to anything or anyone. Stuff only comes out of my ass, nothing has ever gone in.

And I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't have this weird fixation with my ass. I don't think it's exactly normal you know.
IRL, I've gotten into many quarrels that have led to hospital visits for the other person, and broken or bruised knuckles for myself. So this is but a painless skirmish that'll lead to nothing in the end, as both of our egos seem to be much too bloated to do any damage to each other.

Quit flattering yourself, answer Mantis' original question, then MOVE ON! I've already given my opinion regarding Monster Farm/Rancher, I'm just staying for the show that you're so humbly providing.
Quote:I'm sorry for sounding arrogant, but shouldn't you be able to tell whether an animated series anime or not by its appearance (ie: drawing style, shading style, etc.)? I haven't done any research either, but after watching a few minutes of an episode, it's quite clear that it's an anime.

No, because you can't always correctly label a cartoon as anime just from it's drawing style. Japanese animation spans many different styles and art forms. And what "drawing style, shading style" were you exactly referring to? If you want to be generic and give specific lame-o American criteria for recognizing a cartoon as 'anime' such as (and to quote from Strong Bad here) "big eyes, mouth that is huge when open and ridiculously tiny when closed, oh and blue hair" then you are not a true Otaku or have not heard of My Neighbors the Yamadas or Tezuka Osamu.

And to twist things even more, US cartoons have gradually developed a more "anime" style to their drawings. Look at toons like Teen Titans or Totally Spies.

So to wrap it up, I don't think you can always correctly "tell whether an animated series [is] anime or not by it's appearance." Yu-Gi-Oh was so fugly that I didn't think it came from Japan. Jin-Roh was so real-life looking that it really didn't need to be animated. I'm pretty sure other people can give you more examples too. So Cidien wasn't exactly being dumb or ignorant or whatever in saying that he wasn't so sure regarding Monster Rancher.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Teen Titans and Totally Spies are horrible examples. Those are obviously not Japanese-animated, but rather done in an imitation style. While I salute these series for their attempts, I emplore them to try harder to develop and stick to a style they know they can continue to use, and one day call their own.

I must admit my explanation earlier really didn't explain properly what I meant. It's in actuality an eye you develop after many years of watching anime. Youre able to see the evolution of Japanese drawing and rendering styles, and when you encounter you suspect is not quite right or consistent, you should pretty much know it's not anime. It's not just the drawing style or shading style, but also the angles from which they were drawn. The Japanese often like to make their anime as cinematic as possible (within their given budget), but cartoons I've seen don't do enough of this. When it comes down to it, it's really more of an eye, and a gut feeling that you get over time.
Horrible examples or horrible cartoons? They are excellent examples of how the toons in America are definitely developing a more anime style to them; and that was my point. I didn't say that they were Japanese animated because they are US cartoons...

And now you want to say that "The Japanese often like to make their anime as cinematic as possible"...and Monster Rancher was about...battles...and more battles...and animals...
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
What I meant by 'cinematic', was the usage of lots of camera angles, in attempts of making a series seem more visually more appealing than, say, a Teen Titans episode.

I don't like to see imitation, I prefer to see innovation and creativity, and this is why I said Teen Titans and Totally Spies were horrible examples of the direction American animation is headed, though it's likely true.
I never said they were awesome cartoons or anything and I have no opinion about them as I've never watched an episode of either. But I do know that their drawing style is very much anime-like and that is why I used them as examples.

We could argue for ages until we're both six-feet under about what makes anime anime (I prefer the well-developed story and character development that US cartoons seemed to have forgotten about) so I'll let it go at that.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Aye, we'd be much better off watching the upcoming evolution of american animation with our own eyes, rather than speculating.

And of course not, I'd never accuse anyone of liking the cartoon examples you suggested. Anime to me maybe not be anime to others, I suppose.
Quote:Aye, we'd be much better off watching the upcoming evolution of american animation with our own eyes, rather than speculating.

Are you accusing me of being ignorant because I don't have cable/satelite?
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Of course not. I don't even have digital cable or satellite. I'm not one to watch TV very often either, so I don't see the need to pay for it.
Ook Ook... go Vicious!

This whole thread seems to have overlooked what the definition of anime is from that other thread talking about the same thing. In Japan, "anime" is derived from the English word "animation" and they use it to describe an animated show from anywhere in the world.

The terms Japanamation and Amerime do far more justice for identifying country of origin than the word "anime" does.

Oh wait... that's too verbose for a mere monkey like myself.

Ook Ook... go Vicious!
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I gave a little "hint" about that very same thing earlier in the thread. They didn't listen though.Rolleyes

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Anime and Cartoons are the same thing.Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Anime is a loan word from the French language which the Japanese loaned but we have taken the word in English to mean all animation made for Japanese audiences... American cartoons might be called anime in Japan but the same cant be said in America because we have 'loaned' the word back but made it more specific...

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