was this an anime or not
Well from the constant stream of cartoons my 9 year old little brother watches one that I really have no idea if this is considered anime or not is the cartoon Monster Rancher. Is it anime or a imitation
Not 100% sure but I think it's a really crappy anime. (imo anyways) Watched an ep and the art seemed like anime but man is the story/dub kiddy. But that's the audience it targets I guess.
How can you not be sure? Monster Rancher was definitely an anime, though not a very good one at that. It almost seems like it was solely made to promote the games.
I've only seen two episodes and I didn't do any research on it. That's how i'm not sure...
I'm sorry for sounding arrogant, but shouldn't you be able to tell whether an animated series anime or not by its appearance (ie: drawing style, shading style, etc.)? I haven't done any research either, but after watching a few minutes of an episode, it's quite clear that it's an anime.
Since I havn't seen it in a couple years and I don't know much about it I said what I thought and made clear I wasn't 100% sure. There was nothing wrong with what I said, now stop being a prick. Whenever I find something I like such as this board there always has to be that one ass that has to always be negative.
Don't be such a wet blanket, Cidien. You should have said that you don't quite remember since you watched it several years ago. Otherwise I assumed that you have a poor sense of style, unable to distinguish between an anime and a cartoon. This IS the kind of assumption you were referring to in the 'influencial anime' topic, right (lol)?
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Don't be such a wet blanket, Cidien. You should have said that you don't quite remember since you watched it several years ago. Otherwise I assumed that you have a poor sense of style, unable to distinguish between an anime and a cartoon. This IS the kind of assumption you were referring to in the 'influencial anime' topic, right (lol)?

Anime and Cartoons are the same thing.Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Like I said, stop being a prick. Or do you get off on being an asshole?
Hey, why get so defensive? You said weren't 100% sure initially, so you made it seem like you didn't know the difference between an anime and an american cartoon. Then you pour on the pity juice, saying you watched it a while back, that you don't remember. All I did was confirm your hunch, and ask why the heck you couldn't tell it was an anime or not. I mean, I watched an episode a few years ago when it first debut on TV, and it was pretty obvious, particularly if you pay attention to the credits. But hey, that's just me.

So don't get all bent out of shape, just because I questioned your response Mantis's inquiry. It's certainly no reason to call someone a prick (and btw, ooooh I'm so hurt!), particularly since I was genuine curious regarding yoru response. If it's anyone to ruin your experience at this message boards, it's yourself. Stop taking everything so personally.

And Mantis421, it helps to use a search engine to type in a series you suspect as being an anime series, before you decide to ask here. Most likely you'll find a few pages that'll give you some background information. But if you come up empty, all of us will be more than happy to help. It'll save you time, and it keeps the boards clean of too many 'Is this an anime, cause I saw it on TV?' threads.
Just to confirm it IS an anime and was originally called 'Monster Farm' in Japan... Its kinda cute to watch though lol... That lil Mochi thing :p
I dunno about that, seeing Mochi makes me crave dimsum (lol), since he reminds of a cabbage roll.
I is worth asking to find out, Their seems to be a gray area line alot of us have wether a show can be clasified a anime or not. Is it more a personal opionion sometimes on that or are their actual guidlines that define the yes or no
I wonder why it matters if you classify WHERE a show comes from.

There is a lot of variety world wide in animated shows with good and bad from everywhere you look. I'm just as happy watching Batman Beyond as I am with Inu Yasha and I'm happy to have both in my collection.

So if you say that Monster Rancher is one of your favourite shows then I feel that should be good enough. What difference does it make if it was made in Japan, Korea, England, or the US... it's still a show you enjoy and I think that's the important part.

Now that I've said that... it's always nice to know what production team worked on something so you can find out what else they may have produced. Following a creative team makes more sense to me than paying any special attention to what country they're from.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Its true if you like it watch it! The truth is I rarely like animation from countries other than Japan. Sure The Simpsons etc etc but super hero stuff just doesnt get me excited... Even Japanese super hero stuff though as they tend to copy american story telling styles...

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