Anime boxsets I should own...
Hello guys, which anime boxsets would you also recommend a anime fanatic to own.??? These titles are the boxsets that I'm currently going to buy soon:

Blue Seed
Gundam Wing
Street Fighter II V
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Blue Gender
Record of Lodoss War I
Serial Experiments Lain
GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Argento Soma
Record of Lodoss War II
Witch Hunter Robin
Naruto I
Naruto II
G Gundam
Vandread ? 1st Stage
Vandread ? 2nd Stage
Masamune 5 Movie Set
You should had Berserk to your list, it's a essential anime to have
[Image: bl453.png]
hellsing is a must, NGE, blue gender, x tv are also good, any of the list are for that matter. i would also recommend trigun, cowboy bepop and outlaw star which are essential for any collection
The essential ones start with Bebop, Berserk, and Kenshin.
Last disk of (MAC) blue seed has atleast one episode that cannot be played. It's a known issue which JJ knows and IA hardly carries it.
Ranma 1/2 definately
Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I already own Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Outlaw Star. :confused: Wink I yeah, I forgot to add the following:

Fist of the North Star (TV Series)
Ranma 1/2
Rurouni Kenshin
Lupin the 3rd
Ghost in the Shell: Standolone Complex

Also, do any of you guys know when they are going to start dubbing GITS: SC in English???
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. #01 -- 07/27/2004

I imagine we may start seeing it on Toonami arround June or so, since they have allready had many clips in their commercials.

I get my release info from here:

Good for keeping track of releases, because I know to expect to see a perfect collection within a couple of months of the last dvd's release.
[Image: kitty.gif]
Quote:Originally posted by darkanx

Good for keeping track of releases, because I know to expect to see a perfect collection within a couple of months of the last dvd's release.

Hahaha. Rolleyes

I actually already preordered GITS #1. It better be good!! :confused:
Video Girl Ai
Serial Experiments Lain
Fist of the North Star
Macross (Original) and Plus

Many more but I can't name them now! Gotta have Ranma it is one of the best series to collect.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Hahaha. Rolleyes

I actually already preordered GITS #1. It better be good!! :confused:

Which version did you preorder? I was thinking about getting the Special Edition, because I love the DTS track on Yukikaze, but the price is pretty obnoxious for only DTS and the soundtrack.

The .hack LEs threw in the soundtracks for a lot less, but I'm sure it's due to the insane cost of licensing SAC. I guess Manga/Bandai's plan is, a) sell a lot of copies to average viewers with a low price point, b) sell a decent amount of special edition/LE volumes to serious collectors, who are willing to pay a lot more for a little more. If Manga messes this up like half of their other releases, I am going to be very, very upset. Those crazy Brits Rolleyes .
add these:

-Love Hina
-Full Metal Panic
-Cowboy Bebop
-Outlaw Star
-maharomatic season 1&2
-I my me strawberry eggs
-Please Teacher
-Hand Maid May

those are some of my favs.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Fist of the north star is one of the best.
Kenshin is good execpt for the later episodes.
Vandread is pretty nice to
Most important, Berserk.
It's all about the love Wink
-Saint Seiya
Noone said the 3 K's yet???

so i shall...

Karen Kano
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!


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