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  I'm never buying manga anthologies again!!!
Posted by: Andromeda18_ - 04-12-2006, 08:21 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (10)

First it was Viz's Animerica Extra, now it's Dark Horse's Super Manga Blast! :mad: They just stop selling them out of the blues and then I have to buy each series from the beginning as volumes, which means spending a load of money needlessly! It's not that I don't prefer to collect manga in volumes anyway but I'd like to avoid wasting money! :mad:

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  Silent Hill Animated comic books for PSP
Posted by: psychooys - 04-12-2006, 04:39 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (2)

I don?t how many of us are into the Silent Hill games or graphic novels, but I just saw a preview for a mangaish thing based on all the silent hill comics and games. See here http://www.konami.com/store/silenthillexperience I guess its supposed to catch people up on the SH plot for the upcoming movie. Looks pretty cool for 20 bucks. Only for the PSP unfortunately, but what do you guys think? Cool psp purchase?

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  Cowboy Bebop
Posted by: Ranmafan - 04-12-2006, 08:00 AM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (8)

I have heard many things from this anime but havent had the opportunity to whatch untill now. i always had a good 3 or 4 anime series to whatch first, anyway i finally whatched it and it was FREAKING AMAZING! BEST ANIME EVAR! I loved it, personally its my fav now, i just bought the dvds. the only other anime that comes close to it is trigun.

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Posted by: Cidien - 04-11-2006, 10:45 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (31)

Anyone have any idea what happened to this site? This is where I went to get all my reviews and to check when things are supposed to come out. Is it gone? Hasn't been responding for about a week. Anyone have any other decent sites like it?

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  Bucky O' Hare - R2 PAL Review
Posted by: Liete - 04-11-2006, 06:00 PM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (5)

For those who dont know what Bucky O' Hare is,

http://80scartoonscontent.co.uk/videos/bucky.wmv Intro wmv 2 mb
The cartoon version, Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars, debuted in 1991 in the UK on the BBC, as well as in the U.S., and was created by Sunbow Entertainment, Continuity Comics, IDDH, and Marvel. It was animated at Sunset Animation Studios. The show is remembered for its distinctive and popular theme tune.

Bucky O'Hare was created by comic writer Larry Hama in the late 1970s. It was first published by Continuity Comics in comic book form in the mid-1980s, appearing in the anthology series Echo of Futurepast, with Hama writing and Michael Golden on pencils. The series was later collected into an oversized graphic novel. Hama wrote a second Bucky O'Hare arc, which was never published. The comic book spawned a TV show in 1991, along with a series of action figures. A Bucky O'Hare video game developed by Konami for the Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1992, and a Bucky O'Hare arcade game was also released. The storyline follows a parallel universe (the aniverse), where a war is ongoing between the slightly inept United Animals Coalition (run by mammals) and the sinister Toad Empire. The Toad Empire is led by a vast computer system known as KOMPLEX, which has brainwashed the toad population.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucky_O%27_Hare

The review:

[Image: bucky.jpg]

Bucky O' Hare is a classic cartoon series I watched growing up as a child, because there is no US release, I decided to import the only DVD release in the world, which is by Metrodome, a UK based company. The entire 13 episodes are avaliable packaged together on a 2 disc set (1 dvd-9, 1 dvd-5) $15 USD and it seemed like a great deal... the video quality its... its... ill let this picture speak for me...

[Image: snapshot20060411190910.jpg]

No its not this bad EVERYWHERE, and it doesn't look this bad on an analog TV set (probably will on a HD though), but thats beside the point. This is a combination of pixelation from poor mastering and excessive macroblocking, only occurs in highly action oriented scenes. Ironically on amazon.co.uk I didn't see hardly any complaints on the customer reviews, which leads me to believe that people in the UK are accustomed to a much lower standard of DVDs.

This is what the set usually looks like, although an analog tv can usually hide the grain much better than the computer can,
[Image: snapshot20060411190505.jpg]
Normal pic 2: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-2/11...190925.jpg

Going on to the extras, in disc one there is absolutely none at all, besides a simple episode selection, while disc 2 has an episode selection and a somewhat medicore set of character bio's with no pictures included, passable I guess.

Disc 1 Menu: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-2/11...192602.jpg
Disc 2 Menu: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-2/11...193441.jpg

What it really comes down to is,

[Image: truth.jpg]

And I dont see how 1991 is really a "classic program", they make it sound like its from the 50's or something.

Content Score: A+
DVD Score: D-

In conclusion:

For the price any fan of the series should still pick this set up as its the only one in existance, but honestly the TV airing I seen on cable about 4 years ago looked consiterably better than this DVD set. I however think I will be wanting to avoid releases from Metrodome in the future whenever possible.

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  Viz needs to burn.
Posted by: Cidien - 04-11-2006, 12:44 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (23)

Warning, profanity will follow.

Those fucking bastards at Viz just basically stole my $15. They fucked up the dub of naruto. The dub is just fucking horrible, but hey I was gonna support it anyways and watch the japanese version. Just one problem, THERE'S NO GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING JAPANESE AUDIO! Not only that but it's edited! Wanna know where they tell you it's the edited tv version only? In a tiny damn corner on the back of the box. Fucking assholes. I hope their goddamn building catches on fire at night and burns to the ground. I mean shit, even tokyopop had the decent sense to add the original japanese version of initial d to their fucked up english version.

Goddamn i'm mad.

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  HK DvD's & Anime Creators
Posted by: fastsixty6 - 04-10-2006, 08:28 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (14)

Hey all,

I had sent a e-mail to the contact address of import-anime, but I'll ask here cause maybe I'll get a quicker response. (no offense to the person answering the e-mails.)

I recently finished watching an Anime series I really enjoyed. I watched 10 episodes on Anime on Demand, and the last 3 I missed, so I bought the Region 1 copy of those episdoes. Well, now to complete the set, I'm buying the other 3 disks for the incredible price of 20 bucks a disk. :mad:

However it got me thinking, and this may be a stupid question but I gotta know. When you purchase a HK DvD from either here or the other websites that sell the same, do any royalties go to the creators and producers of the series you're watching?

I assume laws and such are different in other parts of the world, so I could have been enjoying all this good anime w/o any of the prophets of my purchases going to the makers. My concern is to endorce the makers of good anime to keep doing so. I know there's alot of "stealing" going on as far as downloading and such, but I for one would like to be a good egg, and give them some support.

Any information would be much appritiated.

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  New .Hack anime and other new anime series
Posted by: Andromeda18_ - 04-10-2006, 08:21 PM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (21)

Just wanted to let you know there's a new .Hack anime in town, .Hack//Roots. First episode aired last wednesday. It has yet to be fansubbed but za warudo fansubbers have already released a promo that can fe found here: http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/773.html
Apparently Shinsen-Subs also showed an interest in this series.

Quote:Plot Summary: In 2015, CC Corporation`s datacenter caught on fire destroying "The World". By splicing in data from what would have been another project, CC Corp. was able to rebuild the game. In 2016, "The World R:2" was released. .hack//Roots covers the time Haseo spent with Shino and Ovan in the guild known as the Twilight Brigade, before the .hack//G.U. PS2 games.

There's another anime named Ergo Proxy (from the creators of Witch Hunter Robin and Samurai Champloo) that began airing in Japan in February and looks absolutely fabulous. In fact, as far as looks go it's among the best I've seen. I'm downloading episodes 1 to 3 at the moment (Shinsen-Subs) but if anyone wants to take a look at the trailer (and drool all over the screen) go here: http://www.ergoproxy.com/trailer/index.html

Quote:Plot Summary: In a world where humans and androids, known as autoraves, live in relative peace, there exists a domed city named "Romudo". Under the implementation of complete management control, it is a paradise where feelings are literally discarded, and the governing council dictates the way of life the citizens should live. But this utopian landscape is soon broken by a series of mystifying murders. Lir Mayer, a female inspector from the Citizen Information Bureau, along with her autorave partner Iggy, are tasked to solve the murder cases. She is soon attacked by a creature drawn to her which is neither human nor android, and learns about the mysterious phenomena called "Awakening", an event which draws her further into the case...and to the world beyond the limits of Romudo.

Those who are fans of CLAMP's works (and those who are not) might want to check out XXXHolic. The first episode is already subtitled, courtesy of Shinsen-Subs.

Quote:Plot Summary: Kimihiro Watanuki is a young boy with a cursed gift. He has the ability to see evil spirits, and somehow they seem attracted to himself. One day he meets a misterious woman who names herself Yuuko. She claims to have the means to end his torment, but she never works for free, and she wouldn't help him until he works for her enough to pay for her services. Thus he starts to work in her shop and discovers that in that place, nothing is what it seems.

And now, for the cherry in my cake Big Grin we have Nana the anime! Some have you might have noticed already I have a thing for Nana. In fact, if there's anything I'm otaku about is Nana. I've been buying the manga for years, I have the special edition dvd (without english subtitles), cds, necklaces, cell phone strap, fan book, art book, etc. And now the anime version is finally here. Live-Evil have subbed the first episode and I can tell you first hand that it's really good and does the manga justice.
I know, I know, it's shoujo anime and you don't really go for shoujo. I don't either, believe me, but Nana is on a whole new level. The numbers speak for themselves. About 34.5 million copies of the manga have been sold (15 volumes so far) making it the best selling shoujo manga of all times. In it's first week of sales, both the "Standard Edition" and the "Special Edition" of the DVDs made it into the TOP 5. The "Standard Edition" alone sold 54,000 copies, while the "Special Edition" DVD sold 46,000 copies. And these numbers are just first week sales! On March 30th, Oricon Style announced Ai Yazawa and Nana as the winners of the "Greatest Mangaka" title in the 'all-genders' category, and the "Greatest Shoujo Manga" title, respectively.
Unlike most shoujo, Nana is extremely realistic, for better or worse, which is one of the reasons why so many people like it. Lots of punk and rock music help set the perfect mood.

Quote:Plot Summary: On board the train to Tokyo to meet her boyfriend Shoji, Nana Komatsu ("Hachi") happened to sit beside Nana Osaki who was traveling to Tokyo to fulfill her dreams of becoming a musician. The vocalist for her punk band "Blast", Nana aims for a major debut for "Blast" in Tokyo where her boyfriend, Ren, is the guitarist for a popular band "Trapnest". Sharing the same name "Nana", both girls quickly form a bond of friendship. Their paths cross again when they encounter each other while searching for accomodation in Tokyo. Eventually they decide to live together in the same unit and this further strengthens their bondage as the two "Nana(s)" go through their love lives and career.

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  New .Hack anime
Posted by: Andromeda18_ - 04-10-2006, 09:56 AM - Forum: Anime Discussion - Replies (2)

Just wanted to let you know there's a new .Hack anime in town, .Hack//Roots. First episode aired last wednesday. It has yet to be fansubbed but za warudo fansubbers have already released a promo that can fe found here: http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/773.html
Apparently Shinsen-Subs also showed an interest in this series.

Quote:Plot Summary: In 2015, CC Corporation`s datacenter caught on fire destroying "The World". By splicing in data from what would have been another project, CC Corp. was able to rebuild the game. In 2016, "The World R:2" was released. .hack//Roots covers the time Haseo spent with Shino and Ovan in the guild known as the Twilight Brigade, before the .hack//G.U. PS2 games.

There's another anime named Ergo Proxy (from the creators of Witch Hunter Robin and Samurai Champloo) that began airing in Japan in February and looks absolutely fabulous. In fact, as far as looks go it's among the best I've seen. I'm downloading episodes 1 to 3 at the moment (Shinsen-Subs) but if anyone wants to take a look at the trailer (and drool all over the screen) go here: http://www.ergoproxy.com/trailer/index.html

Quote:Plot Summary: In a world where humans and androids, known as autoraves, live in relative peace, there exists a domed city named "Romudo". Under the implementation of complete management control, it is a paradise where feelings are literally discarded, and the governing council dictates the way of life the citizens should live. But this utopian landscape is soon broken by a series of mystifying murders. Lir Mayer, a female inspector from the Citizen Information Bureau, along with her autorave partner Iggy, are tasked to solve the murder cases. She is soon attacked by a creature drawn to her which is neither human nor android, and learns about the mysterious phenomena called "Awakening", an event which draws her further into the case...and to the world beyond the limits of Romudo.

Those who are fans of CLAMP's works (and those who are not) might want to check out XXXHolic. The first episode is already subtitled, courtesy of Shinsen-Subs.

Quote:Plot Summary: Kimihiro Watanuki is a young boy with a cursed gift. He has the ability to see evil spirits, and somehow they seem attracted to himself. One day he meets a misterious woman who names herself Yuuko. She claims to have the means to end his torment, but she never works for free, and she wouldn't help him until he works for her enough to pay for her services. Thus he starts to work in her shop and discovers that in that place, nothing is what it seems.

And now, for the cherry in my cake Big Grin we have Nana the anime! Some have you might have noticed already I have a thing for Nana. In fact, if there's anything I'm otaku about is Nana. I've been buying the manga for years, I have the special edition dvd (without english subtitles), cds, necklaces, cell phone strap, fan book, art book, etc. And now the anime version is finally here. Live-Evil have subbed the first episode and I can tell you first hand that it's really good and does the manga justice.
I know, I know, it's shoujo anime and you don't really go for shoujo. I don't either, believe me, but Nana is on a whole new level. The numbers speak for themselves. About 34.5 million copies of the manga have been sold (15 volumes so far) making it the best selling shoujo manga of all times. In it's first week of sales, both the "Standard Edition" and the "Special Edition" of the DVDs made it into the TOP 5. The "Standard Edition" alone sold 54,000 copies, while the "Special Edition" DVD sold 46,000 copies. And these numbers are just first week sales! On March 30th, Oricon Style announced Ai Yazawa and Nana as the winners of the "Greatest Mangaka" title in the 'all-genders' category, and the "Greatest Shoujo Manga" title, respectively.
Unlike most shoujo, Nana is extremely realistic, for better or worse, which is one of the reasons why so many people like it. Lots of punk and rock music help set the perfect mood.

Quote:Plot Summary: On board the train to Tokyo to meet her boyfriend Shoji, Nana Komatsu ("Hachi") happened to sit beside Nana Osaki who was traveling to Tokyo to fulfill her dreams of becoming a musician. The vocalist for her punk band "Blast", Nana aims for a major debut for "Blast" in Tokyo where her boyfriend, Ren, is the guitarist for a popular band "Trapnest". Sharing the same name "Nana", both girls quickly form a bond of friendship. Their paths cross again when they encounter each other while searching for accomodation in Tokyo. Eventually they decide to live together in the same unit and this further strengthens their bondage as the two "Nana(s)" go through their love lives and career.

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  Appologies for delays
Posted by: Zagatto - 04-10-2006, 04:00 AM - Forum: General Babble - Replies (2)

Hey folks,

I know it's been almost two weeks since the caption contest ended and there hasn't been much mention about who the winner is. Schultz is waiting for me to edit down the list a little bit then he's going to set up a poll that people will be able to vote on.

The past few weeks have been extra busy with me getting comfortable in my new job and getting ready for my daughter's fourth birthday party that we celebrated yesterday. My goal is to have the selected captions ready for Schultz to set up the voting by the end of this week.

Thank you all for your patience.

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