Cheerleaders at my school were so so so anoying and alot were ugly. so i hate when they follow me also other popular people they are so anoying talking about them self i couldnt take it so so so so so so so boring. thats why i tried to go places they wouldnt be like the library but no ... so its impossible.
(long over due response)
That reminds me, one of my friend's mom wrote a letter to the editor about cheerleader skrits & now all the cheer leaders are pissed at her

gay cheerleaders! Gay!.....not cheerleaders....

Last Exile Wrote:Cheerleaders at my school were so so so anoying and alot were ugly. so i hate when they follow me also other popular people they are so anoying talking about them self i couldnt take it so so so so so so so boring. thats why i tried to go places they wouldnt be like the library but no ... so its impossible.
I think somewhere in there you're trying to imply that you're popular and that you got all these girls following you around??? Whoa!!!!! How'd I get transported into the Twilight Zone? :confused:
seriously, there can be annoying people around us, but what can we do, actually tell them to their face to shut up. for me listen, i guess i'm too nice.............. and then hope that it ends soon......

Vicious Wrote:I think somewhere in there you're trying to imply that you're popular and that you got all these girls following you around??? Whoa!!!!! How'd I get transported into the Twilight Zone? :confused:
Batz is the most populatr man Alive

That is because Batz dazzles everyone with his awesomeness. He is one pimpin' dude.

Yeah wo0t Batz!!! Big Pimpin oh and Go Batik (dont wanna leave you out or you may woop my ass :p )
whoop your ass? Now why would I do a thing like that? I am agood little girl

. heh heh *runs off with a lighter and a can of Axe body spray* I will show that kid's house what for!
Don't worry dude, if she doesn't want the honor of spank'n ya I'll be glad to
I'm not really sure how old this thread is, or atleast the last post, not that I care....complain & I'm paralyze (to lazy to look it up) you with my'll power up & I'll have Batik hold you in place with her awsomeness....then Rav shall unleash his secret weapon of awsomeness, & your brains will be abilterated
Zombie: Brains......brains......godd@mn it get me some brains!

or is that EMO

WELL... you all are luckey.... I have allways been the school outcast... mabie it is because of the way I am. I am kinda anti social, but still, they outcast me not the other way around. I am a really good artist but no one cares, you are strange... to complane about such meaninless things such as people hanging around you all the time. Treasure that because when you get into the real world, outside of school that will never happen.... :o
people are afraid of me thoe... I duno if thats a good thing or a bad thing....

It is in the eye of the beholder it not? It is good to have people around you but what if they happen to be people that you dislike and loathe? Or the people who you wish that you could strangle but can't becuse of school policy?
You scare people? You don't seem to scare me

. It could be good or bad. What a tough question.
ya, how people react to intimidation is a wierd thing. Some people avoid confrontation totaly, some people are oblivious. Then there are the people that know that I am an extream passavist.... which turns me into the oposite when confronted by them... but me being so tall and strong can be a bad thing because I am not universaly acceptable. Although that doesn't really matter in the long run. but if you hate thoes people, stop drawing in front of them, or draw your hate on paper....
I know the type, the society enduced junk bunny commertialised morons that wonder around with the stuff they saw on tv all over themselfs, as if to say "look at me I am society... accept me because I have turned mindless..... :eek: " or the guys that go along with the girls that do that and do shit to impress the mindless women in their little group
A very good reply. Your input is much apprecited. Good points stated, and clearly to boot! Nice. Hmmm...I would draw my hate but it is hard for me. I am too busy fighting people.

. I got what was comming.
Man, today in sparring I got a good punch to the ribs. I was almost winded. And I am pretty damn fast too. I will have to sleep it off. Lol. *winces* laughing hurts
