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I know what that is like. I don't really have a religion either. My "friend" got onto me about that and then the damn girl tried to convert me! She made me so mad that I almost slapped her. Come to think of it, I should have. :p
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I know what that is like. I don't really have a religion either. My "friend" got onto me about that and then the damn girl tried to convert me! She made me so mad that I almost slapped her. Come to think of it, I should have. :p
Then join my religion; Cathanism (I think that's how you spell it)
The whole point is to beleive what I tell you to, & drink the cool-aid at my command

All Hail Batz!
The Saviour of Our Generation
Damn i wish i had a stalker or even people that talk to me
Come to me all those who are weary and...
i shall give thee Rest!
I hate to say this but most of the annoying-never-shut-up type people I've dealt with have been hard core otaku... usually the same ones that don't bathe often enough.
Most of the cheerleaders I've known have been of the variety to know that they aren't the best conversationalists and stay quiet most of the time. Then there are those amazing cheerleaders that are incredibly bright and attractive and just happen to be filled with school spirit.
I do my best not to judge a person by the company they keep or the group they hang out with. That's just one step away from judging a person by their skin colour or accent.
There is this one girl in my poetry class that I can not stand and she never shuts up. Whatever comes out of her mouth is just pure stupidity. I just want to go up to her and be like "bitch, know your role, shut your mouth"!! Oh and I believe that she is also a cheerleader.
I thought I would tell you something funny that happend with her in that class. One time, class was about to start and she just yells out "does anybody have a lolypop or someting I can suck on"! then I wishperd to my friend next to me "I got something she can suck on, and its not a lolypop". I thought it was pretty funny.
that would of been the logical reply in every male!

It is kind of sad how women are treated still. It is kind of funny to see what people say though. Lol. Oh yeah, maybe I should try Batz Kage's religion. *drinks the orange cool-aid* This taste's great! *falls over dead*
Like I would do what those people did. Heh. It would be kind of funny if someone tried to do that again. But I guess kind of sad too. Damn, I need to stop guessing at stuff. It gets me nowhere.

Quote:Originally posted by Batik
It is kind of sad how women are treated still. It is kind of funny to see what people say though. Lol. Oh yeah, maybe I should try Batz Kage's religion. *drinks the orange cool-aid* This taste's great! *falls over dead*
Me and one of my friends always joked around about organizing a mass cool-aid drinking, inwhich our two, & one other random person's cup wouldn't be poisoned, & when that person didn't die we would try to convince them it was a sign from some strange God that we were immortal.
Sounds like it would be loads of fun. Heh. I can just imagine a lot of people I know trying something like that. Sure they would jump out with knives afterward, but it is all about the fun. I have a feeling that if I were not so strange I would not get mixed up with people. Pretty soon I might end up in some strange gang... with people that are more strange than I am. Lol. That will be the day.
Im feelin that

Quote:Originally posted by Batik
Sounds like it would be loads of fun. Heh. I can just imagine a lot of people I know trying something like that. Sure they would jump out with knives afterward, but it is all about the fun. I have a feeling that if I were not so strange I would not get mixed up with people. Pretty soon I might end up in some strange gang... with people that are more strange than I am. Lol. That will be the day.
Well, I'd call you a friend, so claim my religion & that'd be true
I'm weird as H3ll from what I've been told, but that's why everyone who actually likes being around me, likes being around me. That & too I'm protective sometimes. If one of my friends are threatened & I feel I need to help I pull out my old pens, I'm "known" for trying to kill a kid with them although in my defence he attacked me & I just stabbed at him a few times, luckly I missed. Why is that a lucky thing? He was my best friend, but it was dark, & he was stoned.
Alright then, I am always up for something new. Lol. You sound like a pretty dependable person from what I hear. I wish more of my friends were as dependable as you were and still are ^__^.
But most things that the "Sir Talk-o-lots" of the world do is none stop!!! What thee crap!! At the store I met another TALK TALK person!!!BLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Lets get off religon.............I don't like "spiritual" moments.
We should get off of the spiritual junk. Too much of it now-a-days. So, what should we talk about? Met ANOTHER one? Man, poor you. I have had enough of stuff like that. You know what sucks? When you go somewhere hoping NOT to see people that you know. Imagine this. You are walking in the store scoping out some candy and junkfood when suddenly you see someone you know. You quickly turn around with the candy and junkfood in your arms and head to the drink aisle. While standing there someone comes up behind you and says "Hey, long time no see!" when it has only been three days. You pretrend not to hear them and walk away. You get to the registerand you are sandwhiched between an old woman and the fruitty person that you tried to get away from. After getting the stuff from the store, you go home and the phone rings. Can you guess who it is? It is bad luck on the phone calling to let you know that everyone has your phone number!
Watch out one is safe.
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