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That's right rav96, beat the shitoutof the Boogey Man! Hm....what else is there to do here? *walks around in circles* Oh yeah I am working on my Halloween costume. When I get done with it I will have to post a picture. As to what it is, well....that is a surprise! *runs off giggling*
Tis a Costume made from the wrangled corpses of The SandMan and BoogeyMan
hehehe sounds cool, ive never been big on Halloween dont find it scary enough

Halloween was never scary for me,either but I will be sure to make it scary for all of those little kids. I will give a clue just for the hell of it. It is a character from Dead or Alive 3. I might also wear my costume to next year's anime convention.
When the lights go out, children will fear all! Be afraid of the armed ninjas!
DOA3 = Mmmmmm Bouncy Goodness
Not soo scary in my book but then again
NINJA's = Death!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ninja's are awesome. They are all ninja like and stuff. I know kids willbe scared of me for a fact. 1: I can be scary. 2: If kids around here are afraid of bunnies and Power Rangers, then They will fear the ninja

Yeah Ninja rule! that reminds of a Pic i saw in another Forum and some other dude had photoshop and ruined it hahaha
Check it out
OMG! You are right! And we all know that is not how to act like a ninja. The dude looks like he has too much time on his hands. Man, that was a funny pic.
*an unknown force sneeks in & kills both the kick ass Rav, & the cool kid Batik with a single blow, then runs like hell*
That's right folks, I killed BOTH of them with one attack, I leave it to your minds to figure out why they were that close together, or you could be wondering how long my "weapon" is, although that's not really relivant to the murders

I was wondering when the expert hunter of the dakness...the deadly Silhouette of the night, Batz Kage would show up

. Long time no read?
*Batik's ghost* Well, that sucks. I didn't get a a chance to wear my Dead or Alive 3 costume. :p .
Damn, how did you know it was I, the legendary Kage Fighter, Batz the kid of Kage? I thought I had used enough caution to keep from being caught.
As for the costume, you could always where the special Kasumi suit from DoA 2

Lol. I know that costume. Everybody seems to love that one

What are we going to talk about? There are three of us, Surely we could think of something. Oh yeah. Has anyone ever seen a Hayate cosplayer? I see every other character but him. Mostly his sister though. Everyone loves Kasumi.
*Typing from beyond the Grave*
Yo its Batz the Kid Kage

and his Long "weapon of Mass Destruction" AHHHHH!!!
ive never seen a Hayate cosplayer but who wants to when you can see Kasumi

hmmm whats the next Topic??? *Scratches ghostly Head and begins to ponder*
I don't really know anything about the DoA series, just about the nude match... Yeah, that speaks quite lowly for me, but ehhh.
Mass destruction??? Gee I can't even get laid now, try telling all the girlies that they'll die in the process & see if I get any then :confused: . Which I can't really complain seeing as how I've only liked two girls, & therefore have never tried to get any, but it's been asured to me many times I'd fail anyways, but I can't say I really care.
Anyways, I'm currently checking out publisher in hopes of one day this year getting my book done, now the only problem will likely be selling it, which on second thought, if Lotus Rose can sell over 1/2 a million copies on-line alone (his book sucks, but the work he used to have on his website kicked lots of @ss), then selling atleast 500 copies shouldn't be to hard, but then again a lot of people are turned off by my style & themes.
Anyways, I'm not sure I'm supposed to be on-line. Mom told me 2 weeks, & told dad to keep me off for one..:confused:
ooo ooo ooo, new subject:
Spicy foods they rip right through me. Bags from my a$s, hot with pain. Preparation H, yeah, I need it so bad. Cuz they're coming Down, down, down, down...Cuz they're coming...
Don't you just love that good ol punk music????

Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
I can't really complain seeing as how I've only liked two girls, & therefore have never tried to get any, but it's been asured to me many times I'd fail anyways, but I can't say I really care.
Im Feeling that Bro! Ive only really ever seriously liked two people and that include one which ran to the hills never to be seen again and the other being Jessie
And Sex dont mean shit, but i guess to 99% of guys out there it does but who cares i frankly not goin out to get some anyway
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