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please no more! you guys are indeed Awesome but foolish to think that of the likes of me! im just Emo
i cry

Come on, you are our Emo

. If we think you are awesome then you are to us. We are a team and put together we are more awesome than ever before . I just wish that Miso were here to join our team. I have to e-mail her again.
Miso is AWESOME she drew me such a cool pic and scanned it in for me

Which one was it? I remember her sending me one with a big person and then one with lots of faces on the side. Lol. I loved that one. I want to draw people pictures but I don't have a scanner and my bro won't let me use his. I have to manage with my drawings on the computer which aren't that great anyway.
it was a Naruto Fan character she drew esp for me

Awesome! Naruto is so cool! I can't wait till it comes out in English that way I could have both versions. *dances around* Kakashi and that white haired dude from the 30 somethin' episode awesome!
Like i was saying to Miso im in catch up mode, only seen up to 60ish
but got all 90 odd just gotta watch em
like most things im afraid i end up going into Collectors Syndrome! Need more time in the day!
My bro is managing my money for me so that I don't go overboard and buy stuff all in Japanese. He tole me to wait for the English version with Japanese too. I was bad and started collectign Eva Platinum version. I am getting out of controll.
the world Beware Run people Run!!!
Batik is AWOL!:p

*foams at the mouth and runs around with a fat-ass wallet* BWAHAHH! I am shopping and nothing will stop me! *runs off in a shopping rage*
*in Shoppers Bereserker rage... holds up Santa at Gunpoint*
To Fund Shopping addiction

*continues to run around* HEHEHEH *spots a candy store and runs in with a suncoast bag and then proceeds to fill the whole thing* Nothign more fun and svary than me hyped up on sugar in a mall.

*eats too much sugar and a tooth falls out then puts tooth under pillow only to rob the Tooth fairy at Gunpoint*
is there no one who can escape!
*starts to feel sleepy*

*hides and then scares the shit out of the sandman* Heh heh heh. No more of the sandman unless you mean Metallica! *proceeds to beating the sandman with a baseball bat*
*hears creeking sound from Cupboard*, its the illustrious Cupboard monster who terrorises all Cupboards
*Grabs the Sandmans Sack and starts to whack the monster to death in Lack of Sugar and Sleep Rage*
Then looks under the Bed to see the Boogey Man, trying to hide in terror for he know hes next...
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