Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
WTF? That quote is just still there in my head
*runs away & cries like a little emo boi*
like i Cry everyday
anyway that pick of you is classic! that expression!
oh im just a paedophile! no need to be scared

only j/k
Be SCARED (hehehe)
Heh. Jut like old times I see, you two are starting again ^______^. This is so much fun! Heh heh. No point in me dwelling on old times, it is the time to start a new! Time to have new ideas get into more fights go to more parties, you get the point. :p .
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Be SCARED (hehehe)
*leaps into Rav's lap* *hugs santa* *plays with santa's cool hair*
*pulls out a camera* Now come on, ask Santa what you want for Christmas. *hands Batz Kage a candycane*

*Santa delves into his sack full of surprises*
and says "cum"on boy so what do you want
"spit" it out

WELLLlll Santa... I want a pony. Yeah yeah. A pony that I can ride all night & all day long, or just the girl from my wall of her pictures...wait, is there a real difference? (she deserves that one)
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
I can ride all night & all day long,
Why my child something to "ride" can definately be provided
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
or just the girl from my wall of her pictures...wait, is there a real difference? (she deserves that one)
hehehe Harsh
Oh my God. LOL. This is turning into something interesting. Say more...SAY MORE! ^______^. Gotta love those ponies.
*nugges a little close to Rav....* *Whispers* "Hey man a sandwhich is two peices of bread and some meat....You take her left side i'll grab her from the right...."
Of course I'm joking, Batik is cute, but sadly enough I and Rav are basicly 100% taken with girls that nearly share the same name.
indeed we are
Go Jessie
Go Jessi
(in order of age - i show no bias - honest)
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
indeed we are
Go Jessie
Go Jessi
(in order of age - i show no bias - honest)
Notice I said basicly?
Yeah, that means no go jessi...I'm slowly loosing my nerve with her. Two years & she still seemingly lies like a mother fu*ker.
I see a love scene comming on! You two are quite a team. Reaking havoc on the threads together like that.
Batz Kage- I hope things look up for you. Liars can quit. Just like people who smoke. They can quit ^___^.
rav96- You are not lame.

Quote:Originally posted by Batik
Batz Kage- I hope things look up for you. Liars can quit. Just like people who smoke. They can quit ^___^.
rav96- You are not lame.
Eh, everytime I say something like that she comes around & acts like we're best friends, normally when she's half, anyways, we'll start talking about how much we care about each other & how much we hope to get closer as time goes by, & how we want to get married, but then again, duringthe day light hours sometimes she doesn't want to talk to me at all, but I can understand that becuase I normally can only express myself at night, because the night life is for me.
But, sometimes she jsut stright out lies, & that bothers me.
And Rav, like i've said before, you're no underdog, you're Awsome!
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I see a love scene comming on! You two are quite a team. Reaking havoc on the threads together like that.
Yeah, it's a four-some, wanna join, we could always make it a five some

I'd just have to bring someone other than Jessi, she says sex is for two people at a time...nothing wrong with that way of thinknig I guess, but it doesn't fit the situation.
a vision comes to mind "the Big IA Orgy" hehehe
but im not one too tango
and in my 21 years ive decided that approx 60-70% of people that you meet will lie there face off! its the way of the world, human instinct is self preservation (well for most) and guess from that comes the ability to lie!
but theres a difference betwween lieing for a joke and lieing for more sinister raeson. people lie to protect something may it be themsleves or someone else and even you!
Give Jessi a chance everone deserves a chance but give her the strike regime as i call it 3 chances than youre out, as in outta my life!
plus im not Awesome, dont even joke about that with me coz its not true, ive just got issues! im Lame! SHOOT ME!
*shoots rav96 with a toy gun. Bam ^_____^. Now you are anti-lame and awesome. How many people can say that they have been shot? :p .