05-15-2004, 06:49 PM
05-16-2004, 01:53 PM
Yes, but unfortunetly at the time I was looking in the mirrior

05-16-2004, 03:33 PM
Crazy isn't it!! :eek: It's creepy that the thing just TALK, and TALK, and TALK and you think they're going to stop BUT it DOESN'T!! And they talk about nothing!! Sometimes it's good. ^.^b
05-16-2004, 03:44 PM
The only thing I hate about people that don't shut up is some of them tend to not want to hold a conversation, but instead talk just to hear themselves, & they would just talk to themselves, but that's not satisfying enough.
05-17-2004, 08:52 PM
Hell yeah.....most of the time at work. There are quite a few customers who never shut up. They just like to brag about how much money they are earning, how superior they are etc etc.
I just keep quiet, smiled but smirk within myself....
I just keep quiet, smiled but smirk within myself....
05-18-2004, 01:32 PM
I hate big mouth non shutting up know it alls
probabaly because i am one
probabaly because i am one

05-18-2004, 03:19 PM
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
I hate big mouth non shutting up know it alls
probabaly because i am one![]()
Same Here

05-18-2004, 07:46 PM
You guys Rule!!
05-18-2004, 09:21 PM
sounds like you are talking abotu dumb cheerleaders !
damn they never shut up and they would all followe me and sit around me at lunch while i would draw ! ahhhhhhhhhhh nightmares ! drawing at school for me attracted alot of people !
some good some bad !
i was know as the Swag guy and the artist !
damn they never shut up and they would all followe me and sit around me at lunch while i would draw ! ahhhhhhhhhhh nightmares ! drawing at school for me attracted alot of people !
some good some bad !
i was know as the Swag guy and the artist !
05-19-2004, 07:24 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
dumb cheerleaders !
damn they never shut up and they would all followe me and sit around me at lunch -LE
Sounds like Heaven for some people!
but i'm in the UK where Cheerleaders are non Existant YAY!

05-19-2004, 06:50 PM
cheerleaders are fun to look at though.
05-20-2004, 04:18 PM
Cheerleaders are pure stupid!! LE you should kick them in the face!! Or use the Big Stick Policy!! Ya! But they would keep talking......That's bad!! Duck tape their faces!! HAAAA!!
05-20-2004, 04:24 PM
Cheerleaders are pure stupid!! LE you should kick them in the face!! Or use the Big Stick Policy!! Ya! But they would keep talking......That's bad!! Duck tape their faces!! HAAAA!!
05-20-2004, 04:39 PM
Man, I know what you are going through. There are too many people around me at school ( including cheerleaders) that will not shut the hell up. I have to admit that I am a loud one myself but the way it all goes down is just so bad. One person wanted me to give him a hug to make them go away ( how sad is that?) and that was a hard decision. I took the easy way out and got my friend to kick his ass (please pardon my foul language). Well, that is the last time I do something to make people want to talk to me. I try to be really mean (cruel, I know) so that people will not hang around me but it just doesn't cut it now-a-days. What type of moronic generation has spawned at my school? ;_________; . Oh yeah, I have a stalker......horribly bad. Now I am just making a fuss so I will stop. Best of luck to all of you. *runs off and mopes*
05-20-2004, 06:40 PM
The only problems I have with people following me, or that I've ever had, is when my friends attach to me like they're glued. Some of them I don't mind having glued to my arm, but some of them just never leave me alone!
As for other human beings, well considering one of my best/better friends got kicked out of school for an "attempted" school killing (he threatened & got caught with a knife) & the fact that I'm me, most people who know who I am avoid me.
Which a lot in due to the fact taht I don't claim a real religion, so a lot of people called me satan worshiper, & now a lot of people actually think I am :S I don't worship satan, I'm not an Atheist (or whatever), & I'm not a satanist, I just don't also claim to be the same religion as them, therefore I'm evil
As for other human beings, well considering one of my best/better friends got kicked out of school for an "attempted" school killing (he threatened & got caught with a knife) & the fact that I'm me, most people who know who I am avoid me.
Which a lot in due to the fact taht I don't claim a real religion, so a lot of people called me satan worshiper, & now a lot of people actually think I am :S I don't worship satan, I'm not an Atheist (or whatever), & I'm not a satanist, I just don't also claim to be the same religion as them, therefore I'm evil