What the best Anime you ever saw....
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]/FONT] What is the best comendy have you ever seen.... LikeRolleyes Love Hoda.... but it remind me of others like Twins but it only have two girls and others but Hoda did have me laughing my head off.... The worst one made to me was that dective thing... forgot whats the real name but I feel asleep on the first eposideSad ....
I know this gets old fast , but of everything Ive seen up till now - Cowboy Bebop is still my favorite . Yes its been around a while and the Animation is not as sophistacated as some of the new stuff like Last Exile ( which is probably my second or third favorite ) but the story as well as how the characters play off of one another is excellent and timeless.
TazForm Wrote:[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]/FONT] What is the best comendy have you ever seen.... LikeRolleyes Love Hoda.... but it remind me of others like Twins but it only have two girls and others but Hoda did have me laughing my head off.... The worst one made to me was that dective thing... forgot whats the real name but I feel asleep on the first eposideSad ....

Eh? If you mean what's the best comedy anime I have seen then it's Maison Ikkoku. It's a romance comedy but it's funny not like anime that's just weird gags, they annoy the hell out of me.
Last Exile and Otogizoushi are definitely the best ones I've seen so far.
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gubi-gubi Wrote:Eh? If you mean what's the best comedy anime I have seen then it's Maison Ikkoku. It's a romance comedy but it's funny not like anime that's just weird gags, they annoy the hell out of me.
I would have to agree for comedy Maison Ikkoku..
My 2 favorite all time animes would be -- Cowboy Bebop and Berserk. The best comedy is Excel Saga. Ive yet to see a lot of the comedies that are out, but Excel is the best.
Best anime I have seen, Trigun and Full Metal Alchemist. Funnyist anime I have ever seen would have to be GTO.
There are only 2 Anime that I give a 10/10 from all the Anime I've seen, and those 2 are: Cowboy Bebop and Kino's Journey. As for funniest Anime I've ever seen: G.T.O. and Excel Saga.
Beck and FLCL are the best and coolest animes.
Best animes in order are Naruto, Initial D and Cowboy Bebop. Funniest would be cowboy bebop. And where are you from? Felt like I was reading a mac subtitle when I read the first post. I'm assuming you're either originally not from the U.S. or extremely drunk. I type close to that sometimes when i'm drunk lol.
GTO and Excel are both excellent. Also try the cousin of the Excel anime, Puni Puni Poemy. And if you enjoy...say...happy tree friends type humor, then you should definately watch Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, which had me acheing with laughter.
[Image: kitty.gif]
Its so hard to have a no.1. I'm inclined to say one piece since I'm hooked on that show now and its 230 eps. old and still has masive potential for the future.

But there are some others that are good and worth mentioning. Yu Yu Hakusho, grappler baki, Now&then here&there, Hajime no Ippo, Naruto (yeah, i like fighting shows).
Excel Saga is the funniest anime I've seen, although Vash (from Trigun) cracks me up; so does Inuyasha. Bebop can be very funny. And I think one of the funniest single TV episodes I've seen is the "Family Planning" ep. in Paranoia Agent.

In terms of best anime, there's a lot of best. I still get awed by the Rurouni Kenshin OAVs Trust and Betrayal; that and Bebop drew me into exploring anime, so both are sorta special to me. My best list would have those on it as well as RK's Kyoto arc, Berserk, Kino's Journey, Last Exile, Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist, Haibane Renmei, Jin Roh, Samurai 7, Evangelion, and about two dozen other things, including the films of Hayao Miyazaki.

(Why do I get the feeling this isn't very helpful ........... ?)
Too many shows to call anyone my favorite too hard to choose between the darker, blood filled shows and fighting titles and various others. But comedy would go to CHS hands down.
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'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
A #1 would be impossible to pull off, but I can list 'favorites'

Comedy - Azumanga Daioh
Action Comedy - FLCL
Perfection - Last Exile
Oldschool charm - The original Bubblegum Crisis
Realism - Jin-Roh
Hardcore action - Ninja Scroll (i'll always have a soft spot for this movie)
Action - Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell: SAC

There's about a bazillion other fantastic series out there :p
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