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Sooooooooooo, what have you people seen and do you recommend it.
I've seen so many movies lately with the internet flooding with screeners for the oscars.
Good night and good luck. The best acting I've seen in years. It follows the makers of a talkshow in (I think) the 60's when the 'threat' of communism ruled people's lives. Its about a senator abbusing this threat and the news show that unmasks him for what he is trying to do. I have a hard time describing why the acting from the show host is so good but the way he looks at the camera and the way he 'talks to the people is really intense. Its political so not for everyone but i think it gives a good picture of the government and state of the US in those times.
Syriana: Another movie made by George Clooney's production company (good night and good luck is also made by them). Its about the oil culture and relationship between the US government and the middle east. Its not an attack at the current government at all but it shows some things that happen because of oil. Telling more would spoil it. Its a very slow movie but very interesting.
Waiting: For the american pie fans. Just good teenage fun movie full of pranks and weird charecters. I can guarantee you'll laugh over this movie. Best comedy I've seen in a long time. Its about the group of bored people who work in a restuarant. There's about 10 workers featured in the movie and each charecter is as memorable and crazy as the next.
Saw 2: If you've seen the first you know what to expect. Its more of the same but with even more gruesome traps. If you can keep your eyes on the screen for the entire movie without looking away atleast a few times your my new hero. Its about a group of people who wake up in a house with no easy escape and they have to figure out puzzles to get to the exit. If the puzzle fails prepare for some gory stuff. Together with the original these are the best horror/thriller movies of past years for me. If you can handle gore you MUST see atleast the first one.
Going to watch Zathura this weekend (by the makers of Jumanji).
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Fun with dick and jane is ok. Has a few pretty funny parts and quite a few no funny parts that are supposed to be funny.
The first hour of hostel is boobs and the second hour is gore. So expect that. Not near as good as saw and any movie that pretty much shows boobs for an hour irritates me. (wedding crashers...)
Jarhead is great, but don't expect an action war movie.
The new underworld is awesome. If you liked the first one you'll like the second one.
That's all i've seen currently in the theaters around here. Wanted to see bloodrayne but nobody picked it up here, which means it must really really really suck cuz my town almost never skips picking a movie up.
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Cidien Wrote:Jarhead is great, but don't expect an action war movie.
I thought Jarhead started off well but it didn't end all that well. It didn't develop for me.
elcoholic Wrote:Saw 2
Didn't really like it. The first one was good but the second was just a weaker version for me. Also wasn't the whole point that the people had a chance to repent and life their life? The people in the new one were there to all die apart from the cop's kid. I think the originality of the first one was what made it good. This was just an imitation.
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The Chronicles of Narnia was totally amazing
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I'm very happy that I got to see Narnia in the theaters. There were a few scenes that made me feel like the whole thing was a bit LOTR inspired but for the most part I was very impressed with how well the movie translated to the big screen.
Last night was supposed to be Memoir of a Geisha for us but we ended up watching Capote instead. It was a good movie and it was very well done but I'm wondering how it made the top five list for best movie with the Oscar Nominations. I was actually shocked by the violence in the movie when it happened because so much of the movie was laid back. This isn't a glowing recommendation to run out and see it.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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gubi-gubi Wrote:Didn't really like it. The first one was good but the second was just a weaker version for me. Also wasn't the whole point that the people had a chance to repent and life their life? The people in the new one were there to all die apart from the cop's kid. I think the originality of the first one was what made it good. This was just an imitation.
Well, Saw2 was more of the same. But I expected it to be a total ripoff from the first which was great because of the brutal things people had to do to get out. In the second one the things they have to do are (or atleast look) even more brutal and that surprised me. Like when that girl is in the pit with the needles I found it hard to keep looking at the screen and that doesn't happen often with me.
I loved every minute of Jarhead. They cast a great group of people for that film.
I watched Zathura last night and its absolutely great. Its like a sequel to jumanji. 2 Kids find a board game named zathura and start playing. All of a sudden they find themselfs and the whole house in outer space batling robots, aliens and all kinds of stuff. Ofcourse they have to finish the game to get home. This film is beautifully made with nice special effects, good acting and an entertaining story with no dull moments. 9/10.
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elcoholic Wrote:Saw 2: If you can keep your eyes on the screen for the entire movie without looking away atleast a few times your my new hero.
I've also watch Fun with Dick & Jane: The best part of the movie is when Jim Carey is going insane & the song Time Bomb by Rancid starts playing. This has nothing to do with the scene, it's jsut a good song.
Annaapolis(sp?): It's pretty decent if you like that whole struggling to achieve something theme. Plus, there are military settings.
The Pink Panther: I'm both suprised & ashamed to say taht I actually enjoyed this movie. It's a mixed bag of comedy, with some slap-stick & mostly stupid stuff. I'm not sure if it was my complete lack of sleep for the past two days, but it really was the funnyest movie I've seen in years. The crappiest part of it was having to watch it in town & be surrounded by rednecks.
I wanted to see Narnia, but that didn't/ain't happening.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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I try not to go out to see movies too much anymore. I guess after so many times to see something that you thougth would be good then when you walk out your like, "HOLY CRAP, I just droped $7.50 on that pile of garbage and waisted an hour and a half of my time, just so Hollywood can get rich and turn out more crap like thia again." I just kinda stoped going out to the movies.
However, the last two I went to see because friends or family wanted to see it I was very impressed with. First was Annapolis and the other was Firewall. They are not my favorite movies by a long shot but I was happy when I walked out.
Narina was great. And went with a girl to see the remake of Your, Mine and Ours, it was crap, even for a family movie.
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Narnia didn't really do it for me. I mean, I loved the fantasy theme (always do) and the settings, but as a movie it was a bit flawed, in my opinion.
I expected much more from Saw. The movie was extremely predictable (I knew who the culprit was right from the beginning) and lacked originality, within the genre there are much better movies. Because of that I don't even consider watching Saw 2, even though I heard it's better than the first one.
I recommend watching The Libertine, with Johnny Depp, if you like historical movies. I can also recommend some Asian movies but I don't know if that's what you're interested in.
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Well last movie I saw in theatres was Bloodrayne. It was ok, I mean it wasn't as bad as everyone was making it out to be. It wasn't that good either. In my oppinion it was kind of rushed and there were alot alot of inconsitencies. Still it was a fairly decent movie in my oppinion and while I don't reccommend seeing it in theatres, It would probably be good for a rental.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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i thought saw 2 was ok. i liked 1 better then 2, the fact that 2 had more sick deaths/obsticles then 1 made it more jaw dropping for me.
narnia was good. it was a little too long for me though.
was going to watch final desination 3 today, but got a little headache now, so decided to stay home, blah!
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Well last movie I saw in theatres was Bloodrayne. It was ok, I mean it wasn't as bad as everyone was making it out to be. It wasn't that good either. In my oppinion it was kind of rushed and there were alot alot of inconsitencies. Still it was a fairly decent movie in my oppinion and while I don't reccommend seeing it in theatres, It would probably be good for a rental.
Were there nazis? Cuz I havn't seen anything about nazis. If there aren't any nazis that movie isn't even going to get a rental from me. Would just be retarded.
And saw final destination 3 today. Better movie than I thought it would be. Those kinds of movies tend to turn to crap after several of them are made. While not really original in any way it's still very entertaining. It also has one of those rare scenes that made me wanna look away....
Tanning beds are evil....
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Batz Kage Wrote:
I should have known.
Quote:I expected much more from Saw. The movie was extremely predictable (I knew who the culprit was right from the beginning) and lacked originality, within the genre there are much better movies. Because of that I don't even consider watching Saw 2, even though I heard it's better than the first one.
What? You mean to say you knew from the start that that guy in the middle of the room was still alive? I thought that was the best part. Movie kinda sucks if you knew that from the start.
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narnia is an hour and a half  it just seems longer lol or maybe im mistaken but i thought it was like 2 hours at the most.
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elcoholic Wrote:What? You mean to say you knew from the start that that guy in the middle of the room was still alive? I thought that was the best part. Movie kinda sucks if you knew that from the start.
That's what I was thinking. I don't know anyone who knew the dude in the middle was the killer...