final fantasy advent children question ?
Didnt see this one listed any where so I hope this isnt a duplicate some where ?

any information of the release date , heard early 1 st quarter , but thats come and gone-
been waiting for this for seems like ever - anyone with information - thanks
When it's finished. =P Personally I hope the delay comes from a remake of ff7 to be released with it. But they probably won't and will let down a ton of fans. :mad: I wouldn't be so irritated with them if they hadn't released a remake of the intro as a system demo for the ps3. That just makes me wanna have a remake 10x more.
Just did some searching and I found a couple different specific release dates but both have come and gone already lol.
America and Japan on September 14.

No word on what languages the US version will have.
The latest issue of Newtype said it is indeed being dubbed in English for US release at the same time as Japan, or shortly there-after.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
square-enix released that they arent making an ff7 remake just so ya know.

They made a ps3 demo but they said thats all they were doing *shakes fist* anyways as far as advent children i hope it comes out soon im so tired of waiting
Aye that's why i'm not hopeful. However were they remaking it they wouldn't tell us anyways lol.
but what im saying is they specifically said in a press conference that they were not going to remake it and that they were going to leave it alone.

then again if it turns a quick buck im sure there is still hope lol
Cyrus Wrote:then again if it turns a quick buck im sure there is still hope lol

That's no BS. there for a little while, they FFed the hell out of everything they made, while still pushing back 12.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Can't believe they pushed a nearly finished product to the next gen consoles. =/ That's such bs.
Cidien Wrote:Can't believe they pushed a nearly finished product to the next gen consoles. =/ That's such bs.

Well, as far as I can tell, it will be released after the PS3 launch (12 I?m speaking of). However, it will be for PS2, just that PS3 is backwards compatible, so they will still push the hell out of it, even if it looks like crap by comparison of other games coming out at the same time. It should have come out last year, but who knows for sure when it will come out now. But I do wish they would hurry the hell up. :mad:
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
That's the second time i've heard someone say that but I read in a press release when I was going over all the next gen crap that square has made ff12 a next gen game - probably so they'd have a next gen product done around launch time. Launch games make a crapload. Look at the crappy game the bouncer. What a horrible game. But people bought it and squaresoft made a lotta money because it had cool graphics lol.
from what ive heard its definately comming out on ps3 whether thats true or not i dont know but yeah i hope they are making it next gen cus maybe by then they will have their touch back at making good rpgs...

btw shadow hearts 2 is pretty cool i havnt played it all the way thru yet but thus far i really like it.
Dont get it, heard its in Japan was sopose to be released about a month ago here in the states , then i heard early July - its like there never was a new Final fantasy movie ! at least i cant find any info thats reliable or truthfull on the net , what gives ?
According to IGN FFXII was released in Japan on June 30 and will be released in the US sometime during the 2nd quarter of 2006 (Bastards!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: ).
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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