Anime Games
Ok here we go... Rob Schultz and I have been kicking around this idea for as long as we have known each other.

Anime Video games get made in Japan, but nine times out of ten never make it to the US. What if we did something about it? You know like Working Design did. All they really do is take a game translate it dub it and release it. I want to do the same thing only make minor/major improvements to the game.

What do you think...? Would you help / support / buy if this was attempted. Please give me your opinions and should I add a poll to this topic?
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
help/support.... u need $100,000+ if not into millions in order to start something like that ;p

in order to get rights for the game to begin with will take 100s of thousands of dollars... but ofcause if u are planning ot make some hentai Shoujo games, then u can probably get started with less... and i am sure FairUse will support you all the way hehe
I hear ya Junkie, but through some research (namely talking to PA at Working Designs) get the rights to games already made is 9 at of 10 easy and sometimes cheap the hang up is that. In the states sometimes three different corps own certain parts of a series. His example was Kenshin. If you look at that ADv own the rights to the OVA's and the Movie as where Anime Works has the Series. But who has the toy side? That is the key... If a game is already made (there are two to my knowledge) then the rights no longer hold water. And if you are porting it over some corps will fund the operation. The big "N" is known for that. My question is more on the line of... if you could help would you & how...? But you are still the master and me student so teach me oh wise one...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Actually, ADV nor AnimeWorks really own the rights to Kenshin. SONY owns the rights to Kenshin, they have since it was released in Japan, but they licensed it to ADV and AnimeWorks. This is where the name Samurai X came from - it was Sony's dub name for the series when they expected to release it in America. Of course, that never happened.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I probably wouldn't support it, because I can't stand to see games any games ported over here and "dubbed" just so america can "Enjoy" it more. See all the games I want I just buy right from japan so I cut out the middle man. I wish you luck though if you go through with this type of venture. The gaming community is very fickle (can you tell) especially the anime fans. Good Luck. 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
what i wish is that people would FANSUB games!!!! they've done it a couple times.... and do it with roms ALL THE TIME.....

so people should freely translate imports and then release 'patches' that you use over an image of the cd......

i had always wished for it....

then again do you know WHY anime based games never come out over here? cause they almost ALL SUCK!!!!!

cowboy bebop game? STINKS!
kenshin fighting game? STINKS!
spriggan? STINKS!

i could list a ton more.... but i just don't feel like it (i own TONS of import games that are based off anime)

in all honesty.... i think you could do it for personal pleasure..... but i doubt you'd make ANY profits off it u_u

plus any game that would require dialogue tracks would just stink......

so i'm not saying it's a bad idea..... i just don't think it's a SMART idea
morgorath, if u get the rights or rather license to a certain game... thats all u need... once u get that all other help will follow... programmers... translators etc... htey will be easy to find if they get "share of the pot"

the key is a game that would be popular but thats a double edged sword.. means license would be one of those where sky is NOT the limit...

I would suggest trying to find out how much it would cost to get the license... maybe japan got alot of small programming companies that do good video games? maybe it will be easier to talk to those companies rather than US giants...

like i said earlier... hentai games would probably be cheapest and best way to go... license wouldnt be too high since japan is full of them (please note that not too high in business sense... still 50k+ i am guessing, probably way more) so next thing is just to translate which is pretty simple in those games (the whole game is just picking choice of action which is probably all in neat database etc...) the only thing left over would be to redraw the genetals if hte creators dont have those graphics in vault somewhere hehe

my 2.6 canadian cents worth (2 us cents equivilant heh)
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"

my 2.6 canadian cents worth (2 us cents equivilant heh)

2 US cents is worth 3.2 canadian cents and not 2.6
I am living in the 80s Smile

*calms his mallet* lol

ps. I dont really have a mallet ;p
Be ashamed of your mullet very ashamed. 90% of america has a mullet why??????? 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey thanks for all the great advise.

I'm seeing a lot of your view points. DesFunk you point about they suck very true. I'm hoping to take the Kenshin Fighting game and stick it in a Soul Calibur engine...what do you think of that...?

JunkieJoe your are a mountain of info and truly under apprenticed. I think I will try my hand at a hentia game first... any of them got slayer charters in them.

And who's got a mullet...I thought it was a mallet...?

[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
lol, no one ever called me a mountain of information before... maybe a bucket of useless junk is the closest i recall hehe

let me know how your quest for hentai game goes Wink cause anything with hentai got my attention hehe
Wedding Peach was a great anime game for the Super Famicom. Playing it doesn't affect my manhood, or does it.......? :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

Wedding Peach was a great anime game for the Super Famicom. Playing it doesn't affect my manhood, or does it.......? :mrgreen:

but that game was translated already anyway..... and i enjoyed it lots n_n

something about those crazy minigames was just sooooo fun!
If you did a game and planning to incorporate voices, please hire GOOD va's. Soul Calibur 2 (the one that was brought to NA arcades and stuff) just makes me sick.

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