anime club
Vicious Wrote:You don't even know until you've been to a con. Especailly a big one like Otakon. They need to hand out free car air fresheners so all of them stinky people can hang them around their necks.

Yeah, I went last year to Otakon and took my girlfriend. Big mistake, she was getting sick half way through the show from the B.O. Needless to say she won't go back with me. Fanboys, giving anime a bad name. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
ladysilverice Wrote::eek: I can't believe they actually have to print that!!!

It applies to smelly fangirls too you know. hint, hint. :eek:
Tee hee. I smell a suspicion that ladysilverice will come back with a witty retort. Sniff...sniff...... Big Grin
kakomu Wrote:since current releases are always > older releases.
The one at my school shows older anime, but I think that's understandable since they are still in their baby years. I mentioned in my previous post that variety is good for an anime club. That's why I hoped that more current releases will be shown there this semester.

The last convention I was at.. the stinkest place was the game room, especially since there were people doing DDR there and sweating like crazy.
DDR?? Dance Dance Revolution? Or something else?
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Ryujin Wrote:DDR?? Dance Dance Revolution? Or something else?

The one and same. It just isn't a propper game room without at least one DDR station setup.
Ryujin Wrote:DDR?? Dance Dance Revolution? Or something else?

pff, everyone knows it's doing double data rate, and double data rate always makes you sweaty. Rolleyes
Vicious Wrote:It applies to smelly fangirls too you know. hint, hint. :eek:
Well, considering the fact that I have never been to a convention and can't really be considered a fangirl, then I guess I'm not included in that statement. BUT, dear Vicious, YOU HAVE been to conventions along with all the other smelly people. So what does that make you? *hint hint* Wink
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
ladysilverice Wrote:Well, considering the fact that I have never been to a convention and can't really be considered a fangirl, then I guess I'm not included in that statement. BUT, dear Vicious, YOU HAVE been to conventions along with all the other smelly people. So what does that make you? *hint hint* Wink

That makes me one pleasantly smelling person in a sea of smelly people. Big Grin
Vicious Wrote:That makes me one pleasantly smelling person in a sea of smelly people. Big Grin
Oh... that must be why people avoid you, like you mentioned a while ago... It must be like sunlight or garlic to a vampire!

Fanboy: "He smells like soap!! *hiss!!!*
Fangirl: "Keep back from him or it'll taint you!! *hides behind fanboy*
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
those conventions always sounds fun to me...... i would mind going to one of those events, except for the smelly and sweaty part.
Anime conventions always sounded stupid to me. It's not like a star trek convention where everyone there is centering around a specific series or a political convention where they center around a specific ideology. It's a convention where the only similarity between all the participants is that they watch a specific type of cartoon. When it comes right down to anime, I like specific types and hate other types, just like any other media, like movies, books and TV shows. In the end, I'm not going to be interested in a convention whose central base is something as broad as animation. Just like I'm not going to go to a convention about books or movies in general.

"I like movies"
"me too! we should go to that movie convention where we can find other people that like movies too!"

sounds rather ridiculous when you replace anime with movies, eh?
Its not fair to compare movies to anime. In Japan its huge, but anime is still a small market in America, despite the millions of new viewers that have been tuning in, in the last 10 years. There are more people in America that know what Star Trek is and not know what anime is. So anime viewers as a whole are still a small community here in the states. So like comic book conventions or robot conventions, you have to have a variety of things available for the anime community. It might seem broad, but I don't think you will ever see an anime convention for just people that like romantic comedies, well at least not here in the US. So until more people are watching anime instead of Star Trek or porn, take what you can get. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I always thought anime conventions were kinda dumb and it took me 10 years to go to my first. It was pretty cool, loads of cool people, bought stuff, watched some new anime and had a great time. Yeah there was a few freaks but mostly ppl were normal.

I sat next to a freak at the cosplay masquerade and he was so excited he was groaning and foaming at the mouth. He kept backing up his chair until the girl behind him bitched at him. He was also looking over at me and i was making sure i made no eye contact whatsoever. At least he didn't stink i guess.

The convention handbooks did mention about hygiene and about showering though. Big Grin

If you want to join an anime club then this website might be useful:

I went to one locally and all the ppl are really nice. Even met one of my old friends there that i haven't seen for years. And also met a couple of my ebay customers. Tongue
of course it's fair to make that sort of generalization, since it's a convention for people who watch shows based on a specific medium. In fact, the only defining characteristics of anime are that they're japanese and animated.

"I like watching animated things from japan regardless of content"
"me too, lets go to that convention where people who like animated things from japan regardless of content go to talk about animated things from japan regardless of content watch new animated things from japan (regardless of content) and dress up as characters from the animated things from japan (regardless of content).

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