04-03-2005, 10:23 AM
I want to start an anime club in my area ( between Erie PA and Buffalo New York ) been checking at the area colleges - not any luck -- Im not a kid in age and want to stay away from stuff like pokeman etc ( if you know what I mean ) The Media play in Blasdale has a club of sorts - but they are just there to sell you stuff and its just a kids hangout- not much fun if you know what I mean , and their s one in Erie PA, but thats also at a Media Play -- their nice folks their ,But I feel like their only reason in being there is to sell you stuff , they dont allow you to bring in stuff for trading with the members etc. Im glad their both their , and it is better than nothing but I really want to be a part of something thats not as stiff , where one can trade stuff and do other stuff ( and not be as ridgid )-- By the way if you have a club , how did it get its start- ? and is their a site that lists clubs , or are other folks trying to do the same thing I am ?