Newtype-usa Screwing Readers !
Last Exile Wrote:-i almost stuck a fork in a light socket watching half of that !

If the dvds are so bad to the point where the episodes make you suicidal, why do you still buy them? And why again are bitching about it here when you should really be typing up a nice, formal letter to ADV about it?
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Last Exile Wrote:ok !

here is your precious list:
-Grrl Power
-The Super Milk Chan Show
-Hello Kitty
-Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat
-Angelic Layer (which ill admit i want)
-Magical Play
-Monster Rancher
-Super Gals
-Wedding Peach
-Super Duper Sumos

that's all i can think of off the top of my head !
also Kino's Journey is one of there slowest titles i almost stuck a fork in a light socket watching half of that ! bad everything dubb and story, hell i even tried watching it in japanese and that was worse.

so stick a pie in your ass steve! :mad:


My ass is meant for Gerbils, and maybe the occasional hampster.

It's late and I'm getting tired so I'll keep it brief. I heard great things about Kino's Journey, even if it was as you call "slow". Just because you need a fast series because you can't pay attention to things like plot, character development, or dialogue, it's not my fault.

"Hell I tried watch it in Japanese and that was worse" - Not my fault you can't watch a sub, but don't make it seem as if an anime series is better with a dub, than a sub.

Now for a small list of ADV's "mature" titles (doing this off the top of my head)
Blue Seed
Devil Lady
City Hunter
Sailor Moon
Black Lion
Excel Saga
Steel Angel Kurumi
Those Who Hunt Elves
Eden's Bowy
Catgirl Nuku Nuku
Sorcerer Hunters
Doomed Megalopolis
Crying Freeman
Devil Hunter Yohko
Any Go Nagai OAV
Kimagure Orange Road Movie
Gunsmith Cats
Any Soft Cel Pictures Title
The list continues (this list is of shows, that you didn't mention, so I guess they are "mature")

This whole unique show you speak of is hilarious. I don't mean to pick on you, but I checked your HK DVD list. I see Hand Maid May (magical girlfriend genre real origanl Rolleyes ), and Love Hina (harem genre, yeah another Tenchi clone Rolleyes ).

Shows like Wedding Peach are unique, senshi fighter yes, but they change into Wedding dresses, something so silly it can be funny. Super Duper Sumos, a show about sumo wrestlers fighting evil, I have yet to see an anime yet, that had sumo wrestlers in it. Super Gals is a show for teenagers with so many cultural references, as is Super Milk Chan. Give me a definition of unique, because I'd really like to hear something less vague then what you've given.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Steve_the_Talking_Pie Wrote:"Hell I tried watch it in Japanese and that was worse" - Not my fault you can't watch a sub, but don't make it seem as if an anime series is better with a dub, than a sub.

What? You mean it's not? Anything they stick Hilary Haag into automatically doubles how good a series is. Cool
Vicious Wrote:What? You mean it's not? Anything they stick Hilary Haag into automatically doubles how good a series is. Cool

Why do you love Hilary so much?! You keep mentioning her!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Vic is her love slave. If he doesn't talk her up when he has the chance he gets no nookie... Big Grin
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Subscribe and or let ADV know your views.

Personally the cost of subscribing = many dvds or mangas so i'd rather save my money.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Why do you love Hilary so much?! You keep mentioning her!

Because she has the cutest voice and she looks really cute too. :o

Here's a link that has a short clip of her if you want to check her out and let me know what you think.
im into all types of anime and those titles you mentioned steve are very funny im into comedy. so dont try to make fun of the anime i watch and i havent even watched tenchi so dont put me in a catagory you fuck! also i watch alot of other diverse titles on ADV a short list off my head :
Blue Seed
Sailor Moon
Excel Saga
Steel Angel Kurumi
Those Who Hunt Elves
Gunsmith Cats
golden boy

and im not making a refrence dub is better then dubb you made that observation. not me ! i like dubb thats just me but when i cant stand the dubb i try and see if the japanese dub is better. and in kinos slection they both sucked the series is slow and been done before: King of bandits jing. the whole 3 days in a town !

oh and for the chick who did that voice of the main star she put me to sleep and it so low and dull not great at all. *hilary is a great voice actrress , i enjoy her voice in all of her anime titles !*
and for word definiton unique:
Without an equal , love hina for me is i havent found a show like it !alot of shows on my list are unique to me cause i have seen alot and i have found these to stand out . like i guess slow anime stands out for you !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:and in kinos slection they both sucked the series is slow and been done before: King of bandits jing. the whole 3 days in a town !

oh and for the chick who did that voice of the main star she put me to sleep and it so low and dull not great at all

I've watched both, Kino and Jing, and the two series are nothing alike. You might have discovered that for yourself if you ahd watched Kino for more than 15 minutes.

Kelli Cousins is the one who voiced Kino. The character was meant to be that way. She also voiced Kurumi in Steel Angel Kurumi. So she can easily do a much louder and livelier voice if needed. But that is not what this role called for. She did a wonderful job IMO.

Also, in what way is Love Hina unique? That show is anything but unique. It is a standard harem comedy type anime.
Thanks for the link to Hilary, Vic. I ahte ADV and all it's dubness but that actually made me laugh. I've been looking for Milk chan subbed forever now and am waiting for a shipment so I can order it. I'm sure if the little clips of the dub made me laugh it is even more enjoyable in the version I want to see. Smile
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Anyways, getting back to the original topic, it seems more like Newtype is trying to lure more readers into subscribing the magazines, rather than just having them purchase them off the magazine rack. And what better way than to take away the complimentary DVD, which appeared to be (in my opinion) Newtype's true appeal to North American readers over other anime magazines?

From a business perspective, I feel it was a smart decision by Newtype, as it ensures more long-term readers by requiring them to subscribe on an annual basis for the monthly bonus DVDs.

And as I recall (and correct me if I'm wrong), but didn't subscribers get a considerable discount in price per magazine in the first place? For long time montly purchasers of Newtype who were disappointed at discontinuation of monthly DVDs, wouldn't it be in your best interest either way to merely subscribe? You'll be saving money per issue compared to if you bought it off the shelf, and now, you'll still be getting the DVD. As a consumer, that is how I would see it.
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I don't suscribe because I don't want to lay down $100 or whatever for a magazine subscription. I buy it off the newsttand occaisionallyl at my own pace rather then paying for it all up front. I'm not going to suscribe just for the DVD because they're being cheap and otherwise not giving it to you.
DARK OSAMU Wrote:Thanks for the link to Hilary, Vic. I ahte ADV and all it's dubness but that actually made me laugh. I've been looking for Milk chan subbed forever now and am waiting for a shipment so I can order it. I'm sure if the little clips of the dub made me laugh it is even more enjoyable in the version I want to see. Smile

Dark, I wouldn't recommend buying a subbed only version of it. Supposedly it sounds very flat and it comes across as not funny at all since alot of the jokes don't make any sense to us. You should read the review over at AoD.

But to summarize, ADV put out 2 discs to this 1 release. One contains a faithful to the original dub and another contains a punched up dub. Noone has liked the faithful one yet and it didn't make anyone laugh. While the punched up version is not as accurate, it is much much funnier. The clips used in that link are def from the americanized dub version.
Vicious Wrote:Because she has the cutest voice and she looks really cute too. :o

Here's a link that has a short clip of her if you want to check her out and let me know what you think.

Wow! She looks much better in that clip than she did on Kurumi's extras! Much better! She really has a very cute voice, although I like it better when women have huskier voices.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:although I like it better when women have huskier voices.

Kinda like that Sally person? :p

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