Newtype-usa Screwing Readers !
just piced up the new issue of newtype-usa and there was no dvd ! fuckers didnt put it in there ! i went to some sites and i guess now they are not putting them in anymore ! fucking bastards ! thats the only reason i read and bought the mag for. there is no point anymore ! alot of the readers are pissed and the poll online has i think 45% are going to stop getting it because of this ! i am going to stop fuckers at ADV back to piss me off again.

i guess there is one pluss it will be cheaper, hell if anyone carries it anymore. all the store i went to that i got it at before dont sell it anymore! i wonder why?

is any one else a fan of the mag and enraged with anger about this ?

Flame :mad: n


Added info
As seen on another anime forum a spokesman for newtype-usa posted:
we are constantly looking for feedback and we do read e-mail and value your comments. Anyone on this board can drop me a line directly at [email protected]. And if you haven't seen a recent issue, I encourage you to pick one up and let me know what you think. Obviously a lot of people love the DVD (and subscribers still get it!), but we are also trying to produce a magazine that we hope you'll enjoy reading -- with or without the disc.
[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Well I ONLY own the issue with Rahzephon on the cover from WAAAYYYYYyyyyy back when they were first releasing Newtype here. The DVD was a dubfest letdown (nothing really good on the disc worth watching anyway I mean) and I haven't bought one since. I only wanted it for the Rahz anyways. But that is uberlame that they canceled the DVD to shelves. I guess too many people were tearing it open and stealing it.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
The DVDs were nothing to be excited about in the first place.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I've never bought Newtype, the DVD though I don't really care for, dubs aren't my thing and if I want to preview a series I can always rent the first DVD or download it.

I've thought about buying it a couple of times though but for the same price I can buy a manga volume instead and the manga always wins out.
Newtype's a great mag. It's a shame that they're losing so many of their readers and their business because some stupid people started ripping open and stealing the DVDs...
they didnt start stealing the dvds, they stopped having dvds inside with issues, it doesnt matter if you like that dvd or not, when people subscribed to it for a year or 2 they were expecting that dvd to be there with every issue... they screwed their subscribers.

I may not like a movie, but if its my movie, i want it.
ADV has been going down the drain for awhile now. This no DVD thing is turning out to be like pipe cleaner. You can't please everybody these days. But yeah the DVDs from NewType weren't anything to wet your pants over though it made buying the mag seem a little bit more worth it.
I used to read everyone of the NewTypes that Schultz got, and I don't think we ever watched the "free" DVD. Yes, we have them, but they were not really good stuff. I enjoyed the posters and the articles. Now, if they lower the price of the Mag because no more DVDs, I'm all for it. If they don't, they are just screwing with us.
tsunami Wrote:ADV has been going down the drain for awhile now.

How so? ADV is putting out more releases than any other studio right now. Which means that they must be doing pretty well for themselves since they are acquiring and releasing series at such a high rate.
And from the post people that Subscribe still get the dvd.. Its only people that buy it off the stands that don't get it. So if you want to have the dvd subscribe!
What turned me off to Newtype was the price. I know they are including a DVD, but I would equate that to a gaming mag including a disc with demos such as XBN, and OPM. I subscribe to OPM and the subscription rate comes out to about $3.33 an issue as compared to $9.99 newsstand price... I was surprised that they didn't offer a discount to subscribers last time I checked. Now that I read that the dvds weren't that sweet anyway it really makes it seem overpriced, but it is possible that the content carries bigger costs I guess. Maybe it is cheaper to put game demos on a dvd than to put anime on a dvd...
After scanning over that Gundam Seed Newtype Issue (issue 1?) I can honestly say that reading their articles and such about anime is boring. They don't have any redeeming value in their work. It's not funny, it's long and drawn out to the point of tedium and it seemed to ignore rating them, treating each anime as a superb show (This may have changed since, but if not, for shame). Bleh.
i agree some of the eps on the dvds (mostly adv's) Suck, like nuku nuku, and all those kiddy titles they tried to get out there. i have been disapointed for awhile now but i still like seeing new things and when other companies would get with the mag and have like 2 more epse of diffrent shows it was better.

i have heard though alot of subscribers as well dont get the dvd cause that was what was origionaly stated that newstand issuses wherever they are sold now had the dvd and the subscribers would not recieve the dvd and now adv is switchiung it around so im confused i wrote to the guy with a few questions. also letting him know no sotre carries the mag anymore.

they are putting out alot of titles but alot arent that good like i have said in the past, the ones that have good studios that have done great titles like rahxephon (bones) are great ! ADV needs to bring more titles like this to the US and then i would like them more.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Vicious Wrote:How so? ADV is putting out more releases than any other studio right now. Which means that they must be doing pretty well for themselves since they are acquiring and releasing series at such a high rate.

ADV keeps trying to do EVERYTHING. A TV network, manga line, DVDs, magazines, toys, etc. Their manga that they license SUCKS save for on occaisional few, their DVDs take forever to come out (I'm still waiting for D.N.Angel) and Newtype is really boring, with just a bunch of pictures from new shows in Japan (slathered with text) that usually says nothing about the show, and then ads everywhere.

Plenty of their DVDs are good. I do love the extras inside Excel Saga, but they license SO MUCH...
dvd_master Wrote:ADV keeps trying to do EVERYTHING. A TV network, manga line, DVDs, magazines, toys, etc. Their manga that they license SUCKS save for on occaisional few, their DVDs take forever to come out (I'm still waiting for D.N.Angel) and Newtype is really boring, with just a bunch of pictures from new shows in Japan (slathered with text) that usually says nothing about the show, and then ads everywhere.

Plenty of their DVDs are good. I do love the extras inside Excel Saga, but they license SO MUCH...
Yah, speaking of manga, where the heck is the rest of Gunslinger Girl??!! They released volume 1 and then decided to call it quits???... :mad:

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