What videogame are you currently playing?
Well, when I find the time, I've been playing:

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Enter the Matrix
Started Playing Headhunter on the PS2 I know the game came out for the Dreamcast in Europe... (would have been nice if it was brought here) and I have to say it is like 4 games slammed into one with story elments from every where...

Needless to say I am enjoying the game very much...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
For those that are playing Enter the Matrix...is it any good? I have heard SO many mixed reviews about that game ranging from "suck", to "mediocre", to "excellent"...just curious, I might pick it up later. ^_^

Finished Blood Omen 2. It only froze on me once, but I don't care...it sure beats the PS2 version. At least I can actually understand the final cutscene now. :p
well i just finished Enter the matrix.. Its allright not the best game out there and there are a few levels that will just totally piss you off.. But IMHO i don't like where they have taken the matrix storyline.. I will have to watch the final one before i fully have my opinion.. but so far i don't like where they are going.. and the game even makes me think that more.

so i am currently playing nothing. got to find a game to play now..
Doesn't the video game of "Enter the Matrix" have some exclusive storyline for the Matrix series that you can only find in that game...? Hope that question's not too confusing...lol. Big Grin

Anyway, I'm playing and nearly have beaten Hulk for GC. It's really good. Probably the best Hulk game I have played since the Genesis version.
Quote:Originally posted by Berserker
Doesn't the video game of "Enter the Matrix" have some exclusive storyline for the Matrix series that you can only find in that game...? Hope that question's not too confusing...lol. Big Grin

Yeah, it's supposed to expand and develop Niobe's role in Reloaded. Considering some of the reviews I read about it, though, I think I can go without it.
it also has some scenes that where cut outta the movie and you can only see them in the game.. wow they really want you to play this game to get the full thing.. but again i don't like where they went with the game. Alot of stuff repeats itself from the movie..
Been quite a while since I logged on. I've been busy with a FAQ for GameFAQs. It should be up in a few days. (The Hulk (GC)) </plug>

Anyway, I just beat Dead to Rights. I'd recommend it if you haven't played it yet. It starts out slow, but eventually picks up. Also, you can get it for about $15-20 now.

I might start on The Incredible Hulk (GBA) soon...can't wait to play it on my new GBA player. Big Grin
Everquest > All

no such this as " Dude i just beat EQ! "
I'm still killing as many people as I can in Metal Gear: "Sons of Liberty".
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gungrave, and the game is like playing inside an anime series.
In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.
Enter the Matrix I have recently finshed the game with both characters. It's true what they say that you inmerse yourself more in The Matrix storyline if you played the game and watch the movie. And of course you will understand some issues in the movie better if you play the game. This is a game for everyone who likes the Matrix and a good bullet time action game. I personally recommended.
In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.
Quote:Originally posted by Kevil
Enter the Matrix I have recently finshed the game with both characters. It's true what they say that you inmerse yourself more in The Matrix storyline if you played the game and watch the movie. And of course you will understand some issues in the movie better if you play the game. This is a game for everyone who likes the Matrix and a good bullet time action game. I personally recommended.

Only problem is there is too much redundancy with the Keymaker and orical and such in the Games as well in the movie.. Plus that dudes wife.. etc.. Me personally with that game don't like where they are going with the whole thing.. its getting .. too stupid IMHO.. but i wlil have to see the final one to have my full opinion on it.
There is a bad side in the PS2 version game. It seem it came from the factory with some reading problems. My problem was some movie the music skipped and sometimes the sound skipped and delayed. and there is a problem that my friends had, that it sometimes froze when loading the next level. So if somebody plan to buy the PS2 game be warn and save those receipts. And if you didn't like the movie well don't buy it, rent it first. Remember you are playing the movie.
In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.
Personally, after watching Schultz play "Enter the Matrix", I honestly don't want to. I did, however, go back to playing "Skies of Arcadia:Legends". Thanks Morg !Wink

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