Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
If they don't list their phone # on their storefront or contact information, do you think or supposed that they would willingly give you the phone number to contact them?

LOL no but I think if i dig deep enough I could find out.
ALLAN by ALL MEANS FIND THE NUMBER IF YOU HAVE IT! I would love to give them a piece of my mind and get this straightened out.


Well I got no call this morning from my bank so I just called them now at 2:40 pm and spoke to the same lady. She told me that the other woman said she got something back or is in the process of trying now. But they said something about they cannot fully guarantee because it is already in someone elses bank or some bs. Meaning the whole paypal thing or something. I am supposed to call back tomorrow for the results.

Does this sound right?

The paypal case is over on May 3rd and then it says that PayPal will try and get the funds back, but do you think they really will? And what about my bank?
Haven?t tried yet just have to get off my lazy butt and do it. I'll get around to it soon. :-)
If you filed a fraud report trust me the Gov't will get around to them. I bet in a couple of months they are gonna wish they hadn't done what they did.:p I swear it is just horrible when people don't do business right. Well good luck on getting your money back Jaded!
Just filled another report with the IFCC.
Hmm Now I feel like an ass..

Hi Daniel!

The Anime DVDs from order ID: #EDITED#
were sent on APR 27, 2004!

You can track the package by logging into your
online account by going to:
The tracking number is: #EDITED#

If you have any questions about your order or for it's status, please log-in to
see your online account and our Help section. If you can't find the answer
there, then please email our support team so we can assist you.
You can access your account at:

We really appreciate your order and hope you enjoy your DVDs. If there's
anything we can do better, please let us know. We want to be your
number one place to get Anime, and you feedback counts for over 50%
of what we do with the site. Thanks.

Anime - Your way - NextDay

Now what do I do.. Do I tell my bank everything is ok? And do I take the complaint case off with paypal?
LOL now that?s funny. Some how I knew that they would eventually get around to you. But im still not sure I?ll ever order from them again because if there ever is a problem with an order then your screwed. I hope for your sake when they get there they are in fine condition though because if not then... well you know. Any ways in answer to your question no don?t rescind the complaints until you have your order in your hands. Maybe suspend a few... but do not rescind.
It's just crap that nextdayanime doesn't reply emails until a complaint is filed against them and they don't send out orders promptly.

Like I've said before, I ordered from them once, that was the last time too, my order took ehhhh 17 or 18 days to reach me.
CRAP... I live just 30 minutes away from Los Angeles where the seller is in and all the items I ordered were in stock. I could have just drove there and gotten the dvds.
I am sure that the seller goes at least once to the Post Office every 2 days to get mails from his PO Box. He could send out the stuffs everytime he's there. Plus, UPS does pick up daily so what's the prob abt getting the dvds out within a day or two?

Just hold your bank's reversal till you get the DVDs. If you did get your order, cancel the reversal with that lady. As for Paypal, if you get your order after May 2---dateline for complaint resolution, there's nothing you could do coz the case will be automatically closed.
It actually closes May 4th I guess... So I should have the dvds by then since it says 1-3 business days to receive once shipped.

Then I can just cancel the paypal complaint.

But as for the bank, I just called them and left a voice mail on the lady I usually speak with about this, since she was on the phone. I told her to hold off on it if she hasn't processed it yet since I got an email saying they shipped my order and if she had questions to call me back.
Jaded "My knowledge is limited to Dragon Ball" God

Because you have come into my thread and called me "ass", "stupid,"" idiot," "moron" and also caused it to close, I have a right to go into your thread and provide you with a nice reply. I am throwing the civility out the door for I finally ran out of patience.

Your dumb ass problem about another store has reached monumental 7 pages. Mind you, about another bloody store, not Import-Anime. Many advised you to request the stuff from ever-so-reliable Junkie Joe, but you had to go order your precious dragon balls from another store, and now your stupid problems. You waited what? 10 days to do the Paypal reversal, and 13 days to file a federal mail fraud case. You impatient ass, how would Junkie Joe feel if you did that to him?

Hey, JJ, don't sell to this idiot. He is a "beware" buyer. He'll make a trouble for you if his order doesn't go perfectly. One time, my order from JJ took over 3 weeks and I never complained. What kind of bloody asshole does paypal reversal only after 10 days? Be reasonable. Mail fraud case in 13 days!!! That's a serious criminal charge. Sellers are becoming weary of paypal transactions because of impatient idiots like you. And all that cost will eventually be passed onto buyers. Do you think other sites send their stuff same or next day like JJ does? Now, you're bitching about it for eternity. Even though I didn't like your bullshit about all the dragon ball crap and order problems, I never went into your thread and bashed you until now.

If you shut your mouth one single day about your non-stop dragon ball babble, I wouldn't have created my stupid dragon ball thread. Even then, I intentionally limited all of my ridiculous posts only within that thread and nowhere else. If you didn't like it, all you had to do was keep your smelly butt out of there.

Can't you read the title of the thread? Are you f$*king blind? It was "dragon ball bashing party." It wasn't meant for a dragon ball freak like you. Did I grab your head by your nose and force you to go into that thread? My replies are usually serious and informative in other threads. It was only in that thread that I acted like a clown. Once you realize you didn't like the tone of the thread, all you had to do was to stay out. But no. You had to drag your ass in there and bitch repeatedly until you made the fuss of the century.

I generally avoid flame war, but you stupid Jaded God seems to be asking for it with vengeance. You asked me to be serious. Alright. I am serious now. I will not do an all out flame war in open forum as a common courtesy to mods, for I am ready with bad ass words. I wish there was a battleboard. A shithead like you don't comprehend nice words. If you want the war, PM me. I will give you what you want in earnest.
Listen up you faggot ass fuck. First off I got no fucking emails from the people. JJ will give spontaneous and instant emails. I would have gladly waited from if they would have emailed me.

Post some more shit in this thread, seriously. Your an annoying little child.

P.S. - I have ordered from JJ before asshole.
You little f%^k, Jaded "Daniel dragonball Battousai" God
Didn't I tell you to PM if you're gonna get into a flame war? Stop spamming with crap about other store. Just because JJ is nice enough to allow discussion of other store here, you shouldn't abuse the previlege, you moron. Maybe your brain is pea-sized, you don't understand. It's a common curtesy. Minimize talking about other store. Some sites don't even allow to mention any rival's names. JJ is not here for charity work. Stop spamming shit about other stores. And Paypal should ban your ass for doing stun like that. Go beg your Daddy more money to buy dragon your balls.

and lock this stupid thread spamming bitch shit about other inferior store.
And the saga continues . . . .

If you guys really want to battle in public, go sign up at . They have a battleboard there that I've put to good use numerous times. Also, many of the posters here including JJ are registered users over there as well. You are allowed to say basically anything you want in their battleboard with no consequences. So please sign up over there if this gets locked.
I just want hbk01 to shut the hell up... All the stupid shit you have to say has nothing to do with this topic. And for your information I am 18. Wink My dad buys me nothing.

And learn how to spell and use a bit of grammar, could you?

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